Saturday, June 05, 2010

St Helens, Adams, Hood and back home.

Went to the Pacific Norhtwest this past week and stayed in Hood River. We attempted some ski mountaineering of some of the local volcanoes..... and got shut the hell out. Bad weather knocked us off every volcano we attempted. Saturday we played on Hood, Sunday we got punted off Mt Adams at around 10000 feet after a frezzing rain and wind storm came in. Then on Tuesday we turned around on Hood after the fog came in and we decided the sheet of ICE we were standing on was not only not ski-able, but also dangerous in a white-out. Turns out we made the right call on Helens, The same day 2 guys kept going and were caught in a huge downpour and narley fog that made them bivy without gear overnight.

Drove home
Run 3 miles in VFFs

Bike Emigration (New record 1:04 from door to door)

1) Legs and Lungs:
10 rounds:
-50 step ups with 40 lbs
-10 pushups
-5 toes to bar
time: 29:29
2) Run 2 miles
3) Pullup/dip ladder 10.1/9.2.....2.9/1.10

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