Monday, November 30, 2009

Vacay, sweet vacay

I've had a great weekend. The inversion cleared on Sunday and we went for a hike up above shoreline. Hiked all the way to the radio towers. Took the dogs too. They had a great time. Then we met up with some of the the residents at the Beerhive downtown. Cool place, german food, nice beer. Today I got back up the mountain for ski day #4 of the year.

Crossfit Moday:
Cleans 135 3 sets of 10
KB clean and press 52lbs 3 sets of 5

workup to Front Squat 1RM (185) - lame
3 sets for time:
5 Front Squats at 80% 1RM
15 box Jumps
10 Ring Dips

Time was good, but the front squat needs some serious work.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Here we are with a SLC inversion. I didn't take this picture, but this is about how bad it is right now. Sort of depressing. Makes you want to get up in the mountains up out of this crap.

AMRAP in 30 minutes
10 Burpees
5 Pullups
10 Lunges
18 rounds
OH squats: for form
Back Squats 5x4

Friday, November 27, 2009


I love these things. Ran a 5 K in them on the treadmill today. I can tell they are getting easier to run in as my feet get used to it. I'm going to start wearing them everywhere.

Bench press 5x3 195/205/205/205/195
10 Clap push ups + 10 ball push ups
Row 2min , rest 1 min x 4 2301meters
Run 5k on treadmill in VFFs

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This is possibly the best day of snowboarding Brittany and I have ever had together. We were at Brighton on a cold as balls, but sunny powder day. Brittany could barely keep up speed it was so deep. Topped off by lunch with a PBR. Good day on the slopes.

500 ways to eat pie
100 Sit ups
100 Wall Balls (20)
100 Burpees
100 KB swings (52)
100 situps

23:40 (ouch)

A Slight Change

There's going to be a slight change in this blog.
I'm going to start blogging about more just photography. More specifically I'm going to start blogging my workouts. You might all think this is retarded, to that I say suck it. I don't shoot enough anymore, but I will start again soon. Come on residency. T-minus 7 months WaHOO!

This week has been exciting. I worked my last day at the VA ED this Monday. It's a sad parting, but I think I'll live. I'm on vacation now. Kicking it stay-ca style.

I went split-boarding on Sunday up at ALTA ("It's for Skiers"). Conditions were stupid, but turns were nice. And I went and picked up my Snowboard pass yesterday- bonus 4 runs on the groomers in the AM. It totally reminded me about snowboarding back east. I kinda miss the speed. But then the fluffy falls and I am reminded why I moved out here.

On to the workouts:
I started going to Crossfit here in SLC. It's been fun. I like a little change here and there- and CF offers a significant change.

Monday: CF total (max Squat, Shoulder press, Deadlift.
Squat: 275, 295, 305 (Fail)
Shoulder Press: 135, 155 (Fail), 145 (Fail)- a sad day for shoulders
Deadlift: 345, 365 (PR), 375 (PR)
Total 805 (Woop)
Tabita Rowing: 8x 20s on 10s rest
Medicine Ball complex: 20lb ball
4 rounds for time
30 slams, 30 ball pushups, 30 ball swings, 30 ball situps
Time 11min

Tuesday: the Dawson garage workout:
5k run in the park
Squat-clean and jerk. 135lbs x 1 rep every 30s x 10min
CF WOD: AMRAP in 20 min
10 Goblet squats at 52 lbs
10 Box jumps (on a iron stove = hardcore)
10 pull ups
15 1/3 rounds in 20 min

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

NZ Pics

This is a tripod pic Britt and I took at Lake Matheson. Probably one of the most photographed areas of NZ. The lake is often calm and gives a perfect mirror effect with the mountain range behind - which includes Mt Cook, the tallest mountain in Australasia. As you can see, it was a little windy and cloudy for us. But we made the best of it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Post with the Most

I'm just not good at this.
Posting takes time and since I started off posting pictures, I feel like I have to keep posting pictures. Pictures take time. This has been a deep moment for me.