Monday, November 30, 2009

Vacay, sweet vacay

I've had a great weekend. The inversion cleared on Sunday and we went for a hike up above shoreline. Hiked all the way to the radio towers. Took the dogs too. They had a great time. Then we met up with some of the the residents at the Beerhive downtown. Cool place, german food, nice beer. Today I got back up the mountain for ski day #4 of the year.

Crossfit Moday:
Cleans 135 3 sets of 10
KB clean and press 52lbs 3 sets of 5

workup to Front Squat 1RM (185) - lame
3 sets for time:
5 Front Squats at 80% 1RM
15 box Jumps
10 Ring Dips

Time was good, but the front squat needs some serious work.


Unknown said...

Miss you two. Whats up with your hair in this picture? I hope it's a shadow cause it looks like you have a frizzy sling. Other than that, nice shot!

Mike said...

thats the wind. I'm not cool enough for a sling