Thursday, May 27, 2010


Not Ralfing....

Had a session of this today to try to make me a better person.
Heres a descriptions from Wikipedia:

Rolf theorized that 'bound up' fascia (or connective tissue) often restricts opposing muscles from functioning in concert with one another, much in the way water, having crystallized, forms hard, unyielding ice. Her practice aimed to separate bound up fascia by deeply separating the fibers manually to loosen them and allow effective movement patterns. Rolf believed that an adequate knowledge of living human anatomy and hands-on training were required in order to safely negotiate the appropriate manipulations and depths necessary to free the bound-up fascia[citation needed].

Rolfers often prescribe a sequence of ten sessions to "balance and optimize both the structure (shape) and function (movement) of the entire body,"[5][6] usually beginning with the feet.[7] The theory is that "only by bringing peace 'from the ground up' can problems higher in the body be 'under-stood'".[7]

During a Rolfing Structural Integration session, a client generally lies down and is guided through specific movements. The Rolfer manipulates the fascia until it can operate in conjunction with the muscles in a "normal" fashion.[6] This takes place over a course of ten 60- to 90-minute sessions, with a specific goal for each session, and an overall goal of cumulative results.[5] Some clients find Rolfing painful, but Rolfing has evolved over the decades into a practice far more gentle than in its early origins.[8]

Bench: 5x185, 3x205, 4x205, 2x225
Pullups, Flys, Incline Press
Press/PushPress/Jerk combo:
- 95,115,125
Pullup/Dip ladder:
- 10.1-9.2-8.3-.......2.9-1.10
10x Mini Leg blaster for time: 11:05

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