Saturday, January 30, 2010


What did I learn from the Sundance film Lucky? A couple things; mostly that I do not want to win the lottery. My favorite quote from the movie: "Wining the lottery is like pouring Miracle Grow on character flaws." Beautiful.

The thing that interests me most is how this country has used the lottery as a tax on the poor (and the mathmatically challenged) for so long. Apparently, lottery winnings went to build Jamestown. And funding for the federal capital building was also through lottery earnings. I remember when South Carolina brought back the lottery to fund education. The "Education" lottery. Funny, they're still second to last in the nation for K-12 education.


10 Rounds:
Mini Leg Blaster:
5 x Burpee Squat cleans At 95lbs
time: 27:25

3) Death By 10 meters
rounds: 14

mini leg blaster:
10x squats
10x lunge (10 each leg)
10x jump lunge ( 10 each leg)
10x jump squat


Upper Level Gumby said...

I looked into this -- the MtnAthlete site has an error. You did too much.

A full leg blaster requires 10 each leg. A mini leg blaster is supposed to be *5* each leg.

I hope this will be a comfort to you as you have trouble walking down stairs.

Mike said...

So basically, this was a "leg blaster." That makes me feel so much larger.