Monday, November 22, 2010


A few notes about this week:
-Brittany planned a spectacular birthday for me Friday night. Everyone came over for a party at our house. And everyone was wearing costumes. I found out the hard way when a particular friend came over in 80s ski gear with sun lotion on his nose. Brittany had bought me a sweet costume which I put on. I found out later that we were going to The Ghostland Observatory concert. Best of all, a great friend all the way from NYC came out to hang for the weekend. Superstar! Here's a picture..... amazing.

-Double Unders 82
-KB swing 53lb 94
-Box Jumps 69

Max Tire Flips in 5 min = 85

Linear Progression 1:
Back squat 3x5 at 210 (69%1RM)
Bench Press 3x5 at 175 (77% 1RM)
Dead lift 1x5 at 275 (73%1RM)
Skill: FS 3x5 at 135lbs
Run 5K moderate pace

AMRAP in 20 min
- 5xDL 110% BW (190)
- 10xburpees
- 15xbox jumps 24"
-- rounds 7 1/3

Linear Progression 2:
-BS 3x5 215lbs
-Press 3x5 100lbs
-Power Clean 3x5 145lbs
-OHS 3x5 75,85,95
-5xmax butterfly pull ups 5,6,5,8,6

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