Monday, March 29, 2010

60 in 72

Pulled 2 x 30 hour shifts over the weekend. It was killer. So tired. I went straight to the gym on Monday morning and got it handed to me. I about passed out.... room spinning and everything. It's so hard, but when I'm pushing myself at work I need to skip the gym. I don't know if I'm capable of that.
Good news is: Last night was my last night of "call" ever. True, I'll work plenty of night shift as a ER doc. But an overnight is so much easier than a 30 hour shift in an ICU. I can't stand being "on" for that long. At least not where I was this past month.
All the rest of my months in residency (3 more) are in the ED. So this kinda fells like graduating. I'm basically doing what I'll be doing the rest of my life. Cool.....scary

A good friend of mine hooked me up with a ticket to the NCAA games this past week in SLC. 3 total games. One on Thursday went into double OT. That was a blast. Got to go on Saturday post call. Also fun.


3 rounds for time
100 step ups for time @ 45lbs
30 sit-ups @ 45lbs
10 clapping push ups
time 18:35


Run 3 miles


Helen: 3 rounds for time
400m run
21 kb swings- 53lbs
12 pull ups
time: 9:59

Bike: Emmigration
time Door-Door 1:08

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