Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Snow cave

Airmed recently showed off their huge beacon they hang off the helicopter and use for avalanche rescue.
They can search a slide in 15 minutes.

Here's how it would go.
Time 0min: You get caught in a slide.
Time 10min: Your friends call 911 and Airmed gets activated.
Time 11min: Helicopter blades start spinning.
Time 25min: Helicopter reaches slide area.
Time 33min: Your location is identified.
Time 40min: you get dug out.

40min in the snow: Helicopter beacon = body finder

1)Workup to heavy power clean
135, 165, 185, 190, 195-fail, 195-fail

2) 3 rounds for time:
- 3 power cleans - 155lbs
- 15 knees to elbows
- 10 ring dips
time: 2:55

3) 10 rounds for time - with 45 lb vest on
- 50 step ups onto 18" box
- 30 sec plank
time: 27:09

1) Front Squat: 225lb 5setsx3reps
2) Deadlift: 275 lbs 8setsx2reps
3) Pullups: 3 strict, 6 kipping, 9 chest to bar - 3 sets
4) 3 rounds for time:
15 lateral box jumps - 18"
15 burpees
15 pullups
time 7:09

1) trail run: 49min 5.8 miles
2) 100 hang power snatches for time
penalty for dropping the bar: 7 knees to elbows
time: 14:04

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