Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dust Hurricane

SLC was in rare form today.

Run 4.5 miles: 36 min

WOD: Kelly
5 rounds for time
400m run
30 24" box jumps
30 Wall Balls 20lb
time 30:24

Monday, March 29, 2010

60 in 72

Pulled 2 x 30 hour shifts over the weekend. It was killer. So tired. I went straight to the gym on Monday morning and got it handed to me. I about passed out.... room spinning and everything. It's so hard, but when I'm pushing myself at work I need to skip the gym. I don't know if I'm capable of that.
Good news is: Last night was my last night of "call" ever. True, I'll work plenty of night shift as a ER doc. But an overnight is so much easier than a 30 hour shift in an ICU. I can't stand being "on" for that long. At least not where I was this past month.
All the rest of my months in residency (3 more) are in the ED. So this kinda fells like graduating. I'm basically doing what I'll be doing the rest of my life. Cool.....scary

A good friend of mine hooked me up with a ticket to the NCAA games this past week in SLC. 3 total games. One on Thursday went into double OT. That was a blast. Got to go on Saturday post call. Also fun.


3 rounds for time
100 step ups for time @ 45lbs
30 sit-ups @ 45lbs
10 clapping push ups
time 18:35


Run 3 miles


Helen: 3 rounds for time
400m run
21 kb swings- 53lbs
12 pull ups
time: 9:59

Bike: Emmigration
time Door-Door 1:08

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Had an interesting run-in with Donor Services last night while on call. The case was tragic but the family was quick to realize the opportunity to help someone else. We called donor services and they were there in minutes. As soon as dude #1 confirmed things, dudes#2-5 showed up in no time. They brought their own computers, set up portable printers and got to work..... matching up organs, calling surgeons, arranging organ transport. It was impressive and a well oiled machine. Hopefully someone got a new begining this morning.
I know I want to donate my organs. Hopefully, I'll live so long they'll be worthless by the time I'm done with them. But, if not, there is too much amazing oportunity for others to keep them to myself- only to be buried with them. Lungs, Heart, Kidneys, Liver, Eyes, skin, bone. All said and done, you could give 10 people a new chance.

Had a rough day at the gym today. Didn't get much sleep last night at work and tried to take a nap but was pretty worthless anyway. The CF workout destroyed me. I haven't felt that bad in a while. Felt light headed even after lying down. Don't know if it's the lack of sleep or just going too hard from the start, but I'm still hacking up a lung.

5 rounds
10 Deadlifts at 110% (or 7.... whatever)
10 Pull Ups
400m run


Run 5 K with the pup. He needed it, I didn't

Monday, March 22, 2010


Went to Sonoma this past weekend for a whirlwind trip. Flew in Saturday morning to Oakland. Rented a car and drove to Sonoma. Met up with the ER crew who were at a convention. Went for a nice long run through the grass and forests of Sonoma. Then rented (borrowed) some bikes and did some vineyard touring on the ol' 2-wheeler. Only went to 3 wineries, but had a great time hanging with friends and getting out of Salt Lake. On Sunday I presented some research on ultrasound in pregnant patients presenting to the ER- nothing too interesting - won't bore you with it. Afterwards, we jumped in the rental car and drove down to Berkley for some Mediteranian grub. I forget how good food can be sometimes. I had a bagel with whipped cream cheese and steamed eggs with a side of some craziness- cream of wheat mixed with ricotta and cinnamon. Yum
Few home late Sunday and headed straight to work early Monday morning. Long weekend- but it was a good time.


Thruster 155,175, 185 (fail)
Power Clean 185, 195, 205 (fail) x 3
Row x 1 min x 3 346,331,311

10 Rounds for time:
All with 20lb vest
-mini leg blaster
-5 strict pullups
-10 push ups
-30 sec plank

time: 25:50

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dead lift

Run: 4.3 miles
Shoulder press: 3@85, 3@100, 6@115
Deadlift: 3x3 at 315
Max BW deadlift- 175lbs. #53!
Jerk: 3@135, 3@155, 3@165, 3@175, fail@185

Run 7.5. @ 1:05

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bench Press: 5@135, 5@155, 8@175
Squat Clean: 5@120, 5@135, 10@155

2 rounds for time:
800m run
200 18" step-ups w/40lb pack
time: 25:48

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


That's it! I've figured it out. I love running. And I'll run just about anywhere, on any type of terrain. Today I went to millcreek and ran from the Gate to the Yurt. It was a little warm today. I didn't really take that into account. And as soon as I got on teh snow covered road I realized my mistake. Running the slush is quite possibly the worst possible thing in the world..... after penile cancer of course. I would rather run on hot coals than in weak slushy snow that gives as soon as you land on it. Damn what a workout.

Run in Slush, uphill, with the dog
9 miles, 1:40

10 rounds
Scotty Bobs @ 53lb kettle bells

Now sleep, on call tomorrow.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Back Squat 5@185, 5@205, 10@225

AMRAP in 15 minutes
3 Squat Clean @ 135
3 Thrusters @ 135
200m Run
# rounds = 8

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Still running on Sundance Fumes

Shoulder Press
85x5, 95x5, 105x6
Hang Snatch 3x6 @95/95/115
Ring Pushups 3x15
Weight Pullup 3x5 @20lb
1/2 Tabata Calf raises 45lb
Weighted Dips 3x15

Run 5K
1 mile moderate
1 mile 1/10 @ 6min pace, moderate next 1/10 repeat
1 mile moderate

Friday, March 12, 2010


New workout plan.
I'm gonna give this 5-3-1 plan a go:

4 different lifts a week:
Deadlift, Squat, Press, Bench

Week 1: 5x@65%, 5x@75%, AMRAPx@85%
Week 2: 3x@70%, 3x@80%, AMRAPx@90%
Week 3: 5x@75%, 3x@85%, AMRAPx@95%
Week 4: 5x@40%, 5x@50%, 5x@60%

Run 8miles: 1:09


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nice day

300m x 4 every 2.5 min
1:09, 59, 1:00, 1:01

100m x 4 every 1.5 min
14, 14, 15, 15

Felt like molasses

5 min row for calories, 101
5 min sit ups for reps, 140
5 min OHS for reps @75, 52
5 min and bag get ups @60, 36
total: 329

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



Wow, it's starting to catch up to me. Call wasn't too horrible last night - but I was rocked today. Couldn't get my head straight. Fell asleep on the couch around mid-day and slept for a good 3.5 hours. Work up with big-time sleep inertia and still pretty much feel like bung hole. Not sure what cures a work hangover better than some mini-leg blasters!

-5K run 21:23

-TGU reps in 10 minutes @53 lbs
reps #20

-10 rounds
Mini Leg Blasters
(10 squat, 10 lunge, 10 jump lunge, 5 jump squat)
5 Ankles to Bar
time: 14:28

Monday, March 08, 2010


-Front Squat 3x3 @205
-PC/J/HC every 30s for 10min @ 135lb
-Breathing Ladder 1-20 53lb KB
-6 rounds for time
40 lb 18" step ups
400m run
time: 28:38

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Had a nice weekend off.
Headed to Sundance on Saturday with Britt and the crew. The snow was so-so, but the sun was out and it was a good time. Mostly flying on the groomers and throwing snowballs.

Run 9.2 miles 1:17

Squat 225 4x3
Shoulder press 125 4x3

3 round for time:
- 25m tire drag + 70lbs
- 20x sledgehammer swings

Friday, March 05, 2010

Post Call Again

Another 30 hour shift bites the dust: I'm a master at this shit. Only 6 more to go in residency!
Got a couple hours of sleep last night - not great but not bad either. Had an intern on so he inherited the pager around 2am.

Straight to the mountain today after work. Man was it busy. This place amazes me. It seems like the whole valley descends on little cottonwood canyon on a powder day - no matter what day of the work week.

- Run 3.5 miles with the dog - slug pace (I think I fell asleep running).
- Work up to heavy power clean
- 5x3 heavy DL - 275lbs w/90s rest

Power Clean 95lbs
Box Jumps 24"
time: 4:31

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


3 rounds for time:
-10 Squat cleans @ 135
-4 rounds of Cindy
time: 12:54

400m lunge
time: 15:37

Post Call

Had my first night in the Surgical intensive care unit yesterday. 3 admissions and one death. Honestly a pretty tame night. I've got 7 more nights of call in residency - that's 210 hours of on call time. I can't wait to be done with call. I hate working for 30 hours straight. But at teh same time I really enjoy critical care. If the lifestyle was different.......


KB press:
Flat: 3x5 53lbs
Standing: 3x4 53 lbs

Run 3 miles

Ball Slams
Ball push ups
Ball Swings
Sit ups