What did I learn from the Sundance film Lucky? A couple things; mostly that I do not want to win the lottery. My favorite quote from the movie: "Wining the lottery is like pouring Miracle Grow on character flaws." Beautiful.
The thing that interests me most is how this country has used the lottery as a tax on the poor (and the mathmatically challenged) for so long. Apparently, lottery winnings went to build Jamestown. And funding for the federal capital building was also through lottery earnings. I remember when South Carolina brought back the lottery to fund education. The "Education" lottery. Funny, they're still second to last in the nation for K-12 education.
10 Rounds:
Mini Leg Blaster:
5 x Burpee Squat cleans At 95lbs
time: 27:25
3) Death By 10 meters
rounds: 14
mini leg blaster:
10x squats
10x lunge (10 each leg)
10x jump lunge ( 10 each leg)
10x jump squat
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
VA Spa
No time to get to CF today.
Ran by the VaSpa gym on the way home from a "killer" day at work and did this:
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 rounds for time
Thrusters 95lbs
Time: 11:50
Ran by the VaSpa gym on the way home from a "killer" day at work and did this:
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 rounds for time
Thrusters 95lbs
Time: 11:50
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Back to work
All friends gone.... sad.
Back to work..... more sad.
5 days of powder..... need sleep.
1) 3 sets x 3 reps DL: 295, 315, 325
2) 5 mintues: AMRAP 18" step up
w/ 2x 35lb KB
122 step ups
Then 1 minute rest
3) 5 minute row for meters
1414 meters
4) Treadmill reps x 6
1 min @ 8% and 8 mph
1 min @ 8% and 3 mph
Back to work..... more sad.
5 days of powder..... need sleep.
1) 3 sets x 3 reps DL: 295, 315, 325
2) 5 mintues: AMRAP 18" step up
w/ 2x 35lb KB
122 step ups
Then 1 minute rest
3) 5 minute row for meters
1414 meters
4) Treadmill reps x 6
1 min @ 8% and 8 mph
1 min @ 8% and 3 mph
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How I built my mash & lauter tun:
The style of MLT that I built was for batch sparging. To make it easy and cheap to build, I used a stainless steel braid for straining the grist during lautering. The bulkhead is made from a brass nipple connector and a few washers to add rigidity and obtain the correct spacing. The faucet is a simple ball valve.
Parts List:
Here are the parts you will need for the conversion
• Igloo 5 gallon round beverage cooler
• all stainless steel ¼” hose clamps x 2
• brass square head plug (Watts A-737)
• ½” x 12” (or larger) braided stainless steel supply hose
• 3/8” female barb adapter (Watts A-298)
• 5/8” Rubber fender washer
• 3/8” MIP x 1-1/2” brass nipple (Watts A-786)
• seal from plastic spigot of cooler
• Teflon tape
• 5/8” Inner Diameter O-ring
• 3 x 5/8” fender washers
• 3/8” threaded ball valve
• 3/8” male barb adapter (Watts A-294)
Step 1 - Remove the spigot from the cooler:
using a wrench to firmly hold the nut inside the cooler, remove the plastic spigot from the Rubbermaid cooler
retain the seal and possible rubber seal from the inside of the cooler for use in Step 2 below
Step 2 - Inside parts:
Stainless steel braid:
Cut the ends off the stainless steel braided supply hose using a hacksaw or rotary tool (my Dremel tool cut through the braid like nothing -- took about 60 seconds)
Using a set of needle nose pliers, grab the flexible hose inside the braid, and PUSH the braid off the hose (don't pull!) Pull the PVC tubing out, leaving only the braiding. Insert the brass square head plug into one end of the braid and secure with a hose clamp.
Apply a few wraps of teflon tape to threads on the brass nipple
Slide stainless steel washer onto brass nipple
Securely attach female barb adapter to brass nipple
Insert seal from plastic spigot on inside of cooler and insert brass nipple inside
Step 3 - Outside Parts:
Pull brass nipple all the way through the hole in the cooler. insert O-ring over nipple.
Apply teflon tape to threads on nipple
Add fender washers as spacers to ensure a tight fit of the components once the ball valve is attached (mine needed 3 washers)
Attach the ball valve
Apply Teflon tape to the male barb connector, and attach it to the bal valve
Step 4 - Attach Stainless Steel Braid
Slip a SS hose clamp over the open end of the SS braid
Slide the braid onto the barb connector inside the cooler, and tighten the hose clamp
opt for a day
A1. Bench Press @ 30X0; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 20 sec
185 lbs
A2. Dead Lift @ 11X1; 55% 1Rm - 6 sets of 3; rest 120 sec
205 lbs
B1. Clap Push Ups @ 10X0; amrap (-3) x 5; rest 60 sec
B2. High Hang Power Clean; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 60 sec
C. 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps for time - Unbroken KBS - 2/1.5 pd
Run 2 miles on treadmill with 5 finger shoes
185 lbs
A2. Dead Lift @ 11X1; 55% 1Rm - 6 sets of 3; rest 120 sec
205 lbs
B1. Clap Push Ups @ 10X0; amrap (-3) x 5; rest 60 sec
B2. High Hang Power Clean; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 60 sec
C. 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps for time - Unbroken KBS - 2/1.5 pd
Run 2 miles on treadmill with 5 finger shoes
Monday, January 25, 2010
5 days of powder
I love snowboarding. But 5 long days snowboarding in powder is nirvana. Having a good time, but feel like I need about 2 days of straight sleep to recover.
KB strict press 3sets x 2/arm
KB Clean and push press 3sets x 5/arm
OHS technique work for time:
OHS 95lbs
KB swing 1.5 pood
Pullup/Dip 10/1 - 9/2 - 8/3.....1/10 for time:
4x 200m sprints
KB strict press 3sets x 2/arm
KB Clean and push press 3sets x 5/arm
OHS technique work for time:
OHS 95lbs
KB swing 1.5 pood
Pullup/Dip 10/1 - 9/2 - 8/3.....1/10 for time:
4x 200m sprints
Friday, January 22, 2010
Lovin it

Got some SC peeps in town for Britt's birthday (Big 3-0). I celebrated her B-day by snowboarding while she worked- yeah I took one for the team. Spent all day Thur and Fri getting face fulls of snow and huckin off cliffs (well.... small ones). Great couple of days. Wish I had more pics.
AMRAP in 7 hours
base-to-peak Snowbird powder runs
Total: lots
1) AMRAP in 7 hours
base-to-peak Solitude powder runs
Total: Even more than Thursday
2) For time:
50 double unders
power cleans 25 lbs
50 double unders
time: 8:05
3) 3 sets
2 x 54 lb KB strict presses / arm
5 x 54 lb KB push presses / arm
3 x 54 lb KB jerks / arm
1 x 54 lb KB TGU /arm (5 sets)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Knife
1) 3 rounds with 1.5 KB
10/arm KB bench presses
1/arm strict press
3/arm push presses
3/arm split jerk
1/side KB TGU
10 45lb OHS
AMRAP push ups
2) 1 round every 30secs x 10min
Deadlift 135lbs
Squat clean 135lbs
3) Trail Run:
Up Rattlesnake Gultch and down Pipeline
Time 38 min
Fran w/ 45 lb vest
12:43 (ridiculous)
row 1000m + handstand 30s 3 rounds
Run 4.5 miles in 35 minutes - not in smog
Deadlift: 275lbs 5 sets x 3 reps (1 min rest)
Power Clean: 155lbs 3 sets x 5 reps (1min rest)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Snow cave

Airmed recently showed off their huge beacon they hang off the helicopter and use for avalanche rescue.
They can search a slide in 15 minutes.
Here's how it would go.
Time 0min: You get caught in a slide.
Time 10min: Your friends call 911 and Airmed gets activated.
Time 11min: Helicopter blades start spinning.
Time 25min: Helicopter reaches slide area.
Time 33min: Your location is identified.
Time 40min: you get dug out.
40min in the snow: Helicopter beacon = body finder

1)Workup to heavy power clean
135, 165, 185, 190, 195-fail, 195-fail
2) 3 rounds for time:
- 3 power cleans - 155lbs
- 15 knees to elbows
- 10 ring dips
time: 2:55
3) 10 rounds for time - with 45 lb vest on
- 50 step ups onto 18" box
- 30 sec plank
time: 27:09
1) Front Squat: 225lb 5setsx3reps
2) Deadlift: 275 lbs 8setsx2reps
3) Pullups: 3 strict, 6 kipping, 9 chest to bar - 3 sets
4) 3 rounds for time:
15 lateral box jumps - 18"
15 burpees
15 pullups
time 7:09
1) trail run: 49min 5.8 miles
2) 100 hang power snatches for time
penalty for dropping the bar: 7 knees to elbows
time: 14:04
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Feed The Rat
Working the overnights all weekend. Then straight into a Monday evening moonlighting shift. The next 3 days will be ruff, but I've got Tuesday off. Sleeping in is in order.
Saturday: Rest (I don't do that enough)
Sunday: Another damn rhinovirus- feeling weak
Bike 30 min
Bench Press incline 135lbs 2x5, 2x10
Shoulder Press 3 105lbs
Squat ladder: 1-5 at 225lbs time 3:36
Squat Jump: 6x6 at 95lbs
Squat ladder 1-5 at 225 time 3:45
5 rounds for reps:
-AMRAP high steps onto 24"box in 45sec
-AMRAP chin ups in 2 minutes
-rest 2 minutes
high steps 67,75,75,75,74
chin ups 35,34,33,32,29
1) CF total: 810
DL: 375
Press: 135 (140 last pr)
Squat: 300 pr
2) 20-30-40
Double unders x 2
Wall Balls 20lbs
KB swings 53lbs
Ring rows
time: 25:12
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
icy ass

Snowbird = icy ass
Tried to Snowboard today at the Bird. After going over 2 cliffs and taking multiple icy mogul dives I decided 3 runs was enough.
So on to cross country skiing. Took Kuro, who proceeded to run away from me and disappear for like 10 minutes.
Day off fail.
1) Stair-climber x 20 minutes
2) Weighted pullups- 3 sets of 5 reps
3) 3 rounds for time
15 burpees
15 SDLHP 95 lbs
time 4:14
Cross Country ski 1.25 hrs
Row 2 min x 7 reps (2 min rest)
distance: 4105 meters
Bike 15 min
Sandbag get ups 80lbs
Clean and Jerk 115 lbs
Ring dips
23:00 (or so, I lost count somewhere)
GHD raises 5x4
GHD sit ups 10x3
Depth jumps 5x3
1) 3 min L sit (rings)
2) 3 min handstand (wall)
3) 5-10-15 for time:
225lb squats
24" box jumps
time: 6:20
4) run 50 min on the trail with the dog
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Kuro going crazy in the snow
Friday, January 01, 2010
Not snow
Looked like a beautiful day on the hill yesterday, at least from the hospital windows.
Row for calories
25 lb sit ups
Time: 13:50
Double-unders (sub 3x singles)
Sit ups
Time: 8:10
TGU with Barbell
Work up to max:
85lbs- dropped at top
Livid Tara:
AMRAP in 25 minutes
5x 95lb Thrusters
5x 95lb SDLHP
5x 30" box jump
rounds: 16 1/3
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