Thursday, February 02, 2006

New day, old shot.

This is a shot I took in North Carolina in December. Britt, Ed and I were there snowboarding and took the morning off so I could take some pics. Thanks for hanging out while I froze my &%^ off to take this one.

I have to turn in my schedule for next year pretty soon. That means I need to have some idea what I want to do with my life so I can schedule the right courses. Kinda scary. I guess it's time to grow up and start thinking about a job again. I have been a full time student for so long I forgot what it's like to get a paycheck. Anyway, once I can muster up a decision with my career, I will be looking forward to next year.....lots more free time than now.

Speaking of free time, I just recently took up another hobbie.......right, like I need another. Britt and I started climbing at Stronghold. So far I'm having a lot of fun. My arms are now in a constant state of pain, but at least it's a little different than picking up a dumbell and repeating the same movement for an hour.


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Sleep Goblin said...

Sweet, you should come visit us and climb with us!

Dragonslayer said...

Weight lifting baaaaad!
Climbing goooooood! (Until you get trigger finger and your hand hurts all the damn time. Do you know how to fix that yet, btw?)

I told Brian we should all try to meet up in the Red River Gorge this fall sometime, maybe during your fall break or something if you have time. It's about 6 or 7 hours from you I think, an hour east of Lexington, KY.

Mike said...

Red River sounds great. We need to keep in touch about that and figure something out.

DS: do you really have trigger finger as it is described here: with the locking and everything?
If so you should try the whole RICE and ibuprofen 800x3/day thingy (Rest, Ice, skip the C, elevation). If that doesn't work you may need to have the tendon sheath opened via surgery. I could do it for you with a bottle of bourbon and a butter knife, but your hand might fall off.
Seriously I know a few people who have had the surgery and it's pretty well tolerated and doesn't put you out of commision long.

Dragonslayer said...

We went last year in October and it was a good time, but we chose a bad weekend to go.

It doesn't lock in place or anything, it just kind of catches. If I pinch in the palm of my hand over the tendon, I can feel it catching as it moves through the sheath.

This is the 3rd time it's happened, and the last two times I've gone to see a physical therapist. She had me do what you suggested, plus some exercises that should help the tendon glide through that part of my hand better, plus she gave me some putty to stengthen it after it's rested a while. So now I'm resting and on an ibuprofen diet, and next week I'll start with the stretches, then the putty, then a few weeks later I'll climb.