Wednesday, September 14, 2011

funny that one of these:

Actually turns into one of these:

Turns out these little poopers are kind of a challenge.

My days now go something like this.
 1:00am: clean poop off everything near my daughters butt.
 1:15am: Try to hand off child to wife to feed, attempt to fall asleep but get ringed into getting juice for mom sauce
 1:20am: Fall back asleep
 1:21am: wake back up to sound of child belching in bed next to me
 1:45am: fall back asleep finally

 3:00am: Wake up to sound of child crying, smacking lips, and exploding her diaper.
 3:01am: Clean up poop, take off diaper and only to find old faithful erupting all over the changing table.
 3:05am: Pass the babe to the boob.
 3:07am: Wake up to the sound of belching and farting
 3:08am: get more juice for mom sauce
 3:30am: Change diaper again because the gastro-colic reflex is a bitch
 3:35am: fall back asleep

 repeat at 2 hour intervals AMRAP in 24 hours.

 So I've been running a bit more. It's easier to do than 2 hour gym sessions, and I just don't have the sleep to rest after the weights. The last week has seen an increase in miles with a slow 5K time trial that sorta bummed me out.

 Thursday: 5.41 miles at 8:33/mile

 Friday: 6.35 miles at 8:47/mile

 Saturday: Lift Sunday: Time Trial 5K 7:06/mile

        3x5 press (115),
        1-3-5 press-PP-Jerk at 95,115,135
     then 5 rounds for time: time 28:34
                 30 cal air dyne
                 10 body weight dead lifts
                 30 cal row
                 10 tire flips

 Tuesday: 1-20 53lb KB swing breathing ladder  -16:15

 Wednesday: 6.38 miles at 8:41/mile

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