Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Medwar 2010
Well another MedWAR has come and gone. Overall a great day. It was a cold 15 degrees in the morning when we started but warmed up to 30ish and the sun came out. I was cold before the start, but that didn't last long. There were 9 stations. Most of them a 1/2 mile sprint through deep snow with snowshoes. Sometimes over large hills or down steep inclines. And even over creeks with 32.1 degree water - which found it's way into our boots. Good times. The Moostaches came in a debatable 2nd somewhere between 15min ahead or 20 minutes behind of the winners. Timing was questionable. But all in all it was a good day.
WU to 1RM C&J 175 (185 fail)
3 rounds 3reps C&J at 155lbs
DU work:
200 singles
200 DU
20 DU for time x 3
Getting a little better with these.
I can maintain every-other DUs pretty well now.
Can't keep them up consecutively though.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
tamper with taper
1) WU to 135 OHS
2) 200 DU for time
5 OHS every 4 minutes
time 17:17
3) DL 3 sets x 3 reps 331lbs
4) Shoulser Press 3 sets 5 reps 115lbs
5) 1000M row time trial 3:19.6
1) WU to 135 OHS
2) 200 DU for time
5 OHS every 4 minutes
time 17:17
3) DL 3 sets x 3 reps 331lbs
4) Shoulser Press 3 sets 5 reps 115lbs
5) 1000M row time trial 3:19.6
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Punching feet
Threw some old arch inserts in my shoes, popped a couple of IBU and now the foot feels great. So I punched it with a CF workout and a run with the dog today before work. Feeling good, thus it must be tendinitis. Stress fractures don't feel better that quick.
WOD: 32
AMRAP in 32 min
400m Run
32 Wall Balls
32 Sit Ups
rounds: 6 + run and 24 WBs
Started with a sub 4 min pace for the first 2 rounds, but couldn't keep it up. I want to do it again with a little less aggressiveness on the WB from the start. Think I could break 7 easy.
Run 31:00 with the dog and homeless-guy
Dog crapped twice on the road in the park.
Homeless-guy only crapped once.
WOD: 32
AMRAP in 32 min
400m Run
32 Wall Balls
32 Sit Ups
rounds: 6 + run and 24 WBs
Started with a sub 4 min pace for the first 2 rounds, but couldn't keep it up. I want to do it again with a little less aggressiveness on the WB from the start. Think I could break 7 easy.
Run 31:00 with the dog and homeless-guy
Dog crapped twice on the road in the park.
Homeless-guy only crapped once.
So I got this Thing.....
I've had this nagging pain on the outside of my left foot for a while now. Here and there for a couple of months. But the last couple of week shave been especially bad. I've stopped running in the five fingers. And things that seem to aggravate it most are box jumps and jumping rope - two things that place a lot of stress on the forefoot.
Timing is lame. I've got MedWAR coming up this Saturday. Crossfit sectionals in 2 weeks. And I've started running in prep for the Wasatch back and the Speedgoat.
The way I see it is that there are two possibilities. There are not many non-traumatic causes of lateral foot pain
1) Peroneal Tendinitis : Inflammation of the peroneal tendon as it traverses behind the lateral maleolus (ankle)
2) 5th Metatarsal stress fracture : This is what I'm hoping it's not. A stress fracture can take 6-8 weeks to heal - especially if it's in the 5th metatarsal. I had surgery on my right 5th metatarsal while I was in med school. It was quite possibly the worst 6 months of my life. Damn I hope this isn't it.
Workup to 1RM Squat Clean - 200lbs (PR!)
5 rounds for time
3 Squat Cleans at 160lbs
9 Clap Push Ups
27 Double Unders
Time: 9:56 or so
Timing is lame. I've got MedWAR coming up this Saturday. Crossfit sectionals in 2 weeks. And I've started running in prep for the Wasatch back and the Speedgoat.
The way I see it is that there are two possibilities. There are not many non-traumatic causes of lateral foot pain
1) Peroneal Tendinitis : Inflammation of the peroneal tendon as it traverses behind the lateral maleolus (ankle)
2) 5th Metatarsal stress fracture : This is what I'm hoping it's not. A stress fracture can take 6-8 weeks to heal - especially if it's in the 5th metatarsal. I had surgery on my right 5th metatarsal while I was in med school. It was quite possibly the worst 6 months of my life. Damn I hope this isn't it.
Workup to 1RM Squat Clean - 200lbs (PR!)
5 rounds for time
3 Squat Cleans at 160lbs
9 Clap Push Ups
27 Double Unders
Time: 9:56 or so
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday with the wife
5 rounds for time:
20m overhead lunge w/ 45lbs
5 x 24" depth jumps
10x 45lb floor wipers
100m sprint
10min of C&J:
1 C&J every 30s at 155lbs
Run: 2.5 miles
20m overhead lunge w/ 45lbs
5 x 24" depth jumps
10x 45lb floor wipers
100m sprint
10min of C&J:
1 C&J every 30s at 155lbs
Run: 2.5 miles
Friday, February 12, 2010
Run 4.3 miles with the dog - 34min
5 rounds:
53lb Goblet squat + 15m broad jump
rest as needed
Work up to 90% FS - 205lbs
4 rounds for time:
3 x 90%FS + 5 x 95lb jump squat
time: 9:14 (freggin heavy)
Bench press: 10,8,6,4,2
10 x 100m, 20s rest b/w reps
time = 6:38
5 rounds:
53lb Goblet squat + 15m broad jump
rest as needed
Work up to 90% FS - 205lbs
4 rounds for time:
3 x 90%FS + 5 x 95lb jump squat
time: 9:14 (freggin heavy)
Bench press: 10,8,6,4,2
10 x 100m, 20s rest b/w reps
time = 6:38
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Quick workout in the basement:
Ball Slams
Ball Push ups
Ball Cleans
KB swings - 1.5pood
7 rounds
3 hang clean, 3 Front Squat, 3 Thrusters
- This was fun. I failed on thruster #1 on both 165 trys
rest 10 minutes then.....
Goat (I blame Gumby)
AMRAP in 30 minutes
80lb sandbag getup + 24" box step-up w/ bag
-This was also "fun" in kind of a destroy yourself sort of way.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Feb 8th:
Run 7 miles - Millcreek
OHS 3sets 3-5 reps - 105lbs
3 rounds for time
3 x 95lbs OHS
15 box jumps - 36" box
20 push ups
time = 5:29
Pullups - 5 x 10reps
Floor Wipers 3x15 115lbs
Wallball situps 3x15 14lbs
HSPU work
Run 7 miles - Millcreek
OHS 3sets 3-5 reps - 105lbs
3 rounds for time
3 x 95lbs OHS
15 box jumps - 36" box
20 push ups
time = 5:29
Pullups - 5 x 10reps
Floor Wipers 3x15 115lbs
Wallball situps 3x15 14lbs
HSPU work
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Ready set.... REST!
Slept in today. I've been tired recently. Took a nap 3 of the last 3 days. And I never take naps. Think I needed a little relaxation.
Still on my string of night.... 2 more to go. Miss the wife and the friends so I'll be glad to be back on a more normal schedule soon.
Sometimes being a doctor is more about salesmanship than scientific knowledge. About half the people I see in the ED aren't really sick. Granted, some if them are super sick and need critical care. But there is a large percentage that I have to convince that they aren't sick. That seems different in Utah. I don't remember that many false-sickers in South Carolina. Seems like everyone in SC ignored their health for so long that by the time they got ill enough to go to the ED- they were on death's door. I think a lot of it is cultural. Utah is full of super healthy, active young people. these people are more in-tune with their bodies and get nervous when something seems wrong. I'm probably one of them. The hard part is when I walk in to room, talk to them for 3 minutes.... and instantly know they're not sick. Granted sometimes I'm wrong, and that why we do tests and look.
In any case, a large part of my job ends up as the "selling of health." Talking people into believing that we can't figure out whats wrong, we believe they don't feel well, but it will probably get better.
Expectations in health care in this country are out of control. People expect doctors to know everything and be able to figure out the most insignificant of complaints. I don't blame them. They, err their insurance, is paying us a lot. But the expectations along with a legal enviroment where risk is not tolerated cause people to get too many tests. The most recent literature puts the risk of cancer death due to radiation recieved from a whole body CT (often performed after severe trauma) at 1/200 over 20 years. I.E. you get in a bad car wreck and are taken to the hospital where a whole body CT is performed- bam, you now have a 1/200 risk of dying from cancer in the next 20 years from that CT scan.
Medicine is all about weighing risk. As our diagnostic tools become better we run the risk of over-calling disease..... leading to interventions that can have adverse outcomes. For example- if you have a 1/100 risk of having some disease that has a 10% adverse outcome rate, does it make sense to perform a test with a 2/00 risk of a false positive and a subsequent intervention with a 20% complication rate. No. That would increase your risk of harm for the sole purpose of coming to a diagnosis. But Americans don't like not knowing.
I guess I've blabbered on for a while now. Thats some of my thoughts regarding the difficulty of my job.
Still on my string of night.... 2 more to go. Miss the wife and the friends so I'll be glad to be back on a more normal schedule soon.
Sometimes being a doctor is more about salesmanship than scientific knowledge. About half the people I see in the ED aren't really sick. Granted, some if them are super sick and need critical care. But there is a large percentage that I have to convince that they aren't sick. That seems different in Utah. I don't remember that many false-sickers in South Carolina. Seems like everyone in SC ignored their health for so long that by the time they got ill enough to go to the ED- they were on death's door. I think a lot of it is cultural. Utah is full of super healthy, active young people. these people are more in-tune with their bodies and get nervous when something seems wrong. I'm probably one of them. The hard part is when I walk in to room, talk to them for 3 minutes.... and instantly know they're not sick. Granted sometimes I'm wrong, and that why we do tests and look.
In any case, a large part of my job ends up as the "selling of health." Talking people into believing that we can't figure out whats wrong, we believe they don't feel well, but it will probably get better.
Expectations in health care in this country are out of control. People expect doctors to know everything and be able to figure out the most insignificant of complaints. I don't blame them. They, err their insurance, is paying us a lot. But the expectations along with a legal enviroment where risk is not tolerated cause people to get too many tests. The most recent literature puts the risk of cancer death due to radiation recieved from a whole body CT (often performed after severe trauma) at 1/200 over 20 years. I.E. you get in a bad car wreck and are taken to the hospital where a whole body CT is performed- bam, you now have a 1/200 risk of dying from cancer in the next 20 years from that CT scan.
Medicine is all about weighing risk. As our diagnostic tools become better we run the risk of over-calling disease..... leading to interventions that can have adverse outcomes. For example- if you have a 1/100 risk of having some disease that has a 10% adverse outcome rate, does it make sense to perform a test with a 2/00 risk of a false positive and a subsequent intervention with a 20% complication rate. No. That would increase your risk of harm for the sole purpose of coming to a diagnosis. But Americans don't like not knowing.
I guess I've blabbered on for a while now. Thats some of my thoughts regarding the difficulty of my job.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Who the hell is Grace?
Went on a bike ride today. Don't think I've been on the bike since October. The winter in SLC puts one hell of a damper on bike riding. I got home after crossfit and it felt warm outside so I didn't really bundle up for the ride...... turns out it was balls cold and I will be spending the rest of the day in my down jacket. Inside.
Nice to ride though.
WOD: Grace
Clean and Jerk 135lbs for 30 reps
Time 2:36
Deadlift 225lbs 5 sets 8 reps
Went on a bike ride today. Don't think I've been on the bike since October. The winter in SLC puts one hell of a damper on bike riding. I got home after crossfit and it felt warm outside so I didn't really bundle up for the ride...... turns out it was balls cold and I will be spending the rest of the day in my down jacket. Inside.
Nice to ride though.
WOD: Grace
Clean and Jerk 135lbs for 30 reps
Time 2:36
Deadlift 225lbs 5 sets 8 reps
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Dirty Thirty
I have band-aids on both my wrist from those damn muscle ups. People probably think I cut myself. On a lighter note however, I thought of a great name for a beer.
Muscle-Up Porter
Hang power cleans 3sets 5reps - 155lbs
Alli's Dirty 30:
for time:
30 KB CLEAN AND PRESS @53/35lbs (15 EACH ARM)
30 BOX JUMPS @30"
time: 9:28
GHD Raises 4 sets 10 reps
Run 3 miles in the park with the dog wearing 5-fingers.
time: 27:24 - gotta take those 5 fingers slow.
Muscle-Up Porter
Hang power cleans 3sets 5reps - 155lbs
Alli's Dirty 30:
for time:
30 KB CLEAN AND PRESS @53/35lbs (15 EACH ARM)
30 BOX JUMPS @30"
time: 9:28
GHD Raises 4 sets 10 reps
Run 3 miles in the park with the dog wearing 5-fingers.
time: 27:24 - gotta take those 5 fingers slow.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Monday, February 01, 2010
Running Schedule
I'm planning on running the Speedgoat this year. Here is how I plan on training:
Month 1: total miles = 50
Week 1: 12 miles, long run 6 miles
Week 2: 13 miles, long run 6 miles
Week 3: Medwar week
Week 4: 12 miles, long run 7 miles
Month 2: total miles = 55
Week 1: 13 miles
Week 2: 14.5 miles
Week 3: 14.5 miles, long run 10 miles
Week 4: 13 miles
Month 3: total miles = 61 miles
Week 1: 14.5 miles
Week 2: 16 miles
Week 3: 16 miles, long run 12 miles
Week 4: 14.5 miles
Month 4: total miles = 68 miles
Week 1: 16 miles
Week 2: 18 miles
Week 3: 18 miles, long run 14 miles
Week 4: 16 miles, Hills
Month 5: total miles = 76 miles
Week 1: 18 miles
Week 2: 20 miles
Week 3: 20 miles, long run 20 miles
Week 4: 18 miles, Hills
Month 6: total miles = 70
Week 1: 22 miles, Hills
Week 2: 24 miles, long run 18 miles
Week 3: 12 miles
Week 4: 12 miles
Month : total miles = 48 miles
Week 1: 10 miles
Week 2: 6 miles
Week 3: Speedgoat 50K
Suggestions appreciated- I have no idea what I'm doing.
Run 6 miles on Shoreline at 1:04
Front Squat 3 sets 5 reps at 205
AMRAP in 15 min
7 20lb wallball
7 2 pood KB swings
7 pull ups
rounds = 11 (soo tired)
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