Monday, December 21, 2009

DR Heartfield

I picked up my bass for the first time in years today. Taught myself to play "forty-six and 2" by Tool. It's a bass line that I've always loved and wanted to be able to play. It's pretty hard for someone who hasn't strummed a note in years. But it was a blast. Here's a pic of my bass from some random online place. It's old-school hair-band style.

Run 7 miles at 1 hr.

12/21: 2-fer
1) WU to max clean and jerk: 185
Fran 3:28 (or 3:26 can't remember)
2) 3 rounds for time: w/53 kb
30 Swings
20 lunges left arm kb
20 lunges right kb
10 push press left
10 push press right


Dragonslayer said...

Ever since I talked to you about that bassline the other day I've been missing playing. Why the fuck did I sell my basses?

Upper Level Gumby said...

Jeebus, Mallin. That's a legit Fran time. And then to do something else afterwards -- ridiculous.

I think you need to stop working out for a year. The start again. Then you'll know what the common folk feel like.