Wednesday, December 09, 2009

long start to the week

Damn long last 3 days. Working every day with lots of other stuff going on. It's times like these that I appreciate 20 minutes on the couch chilling in front of my laptop. Don't know why but it's pretty relaxing for me. I guess when your running around all day without the time to pee it's the little things that count.

Sunday: Still tired from the Lumberjack 20
1) Hang power snatch 95 lbs 3 sets x 6reps
2) Bench press: 3,2,1,3,2,1: 195/205/215/195/205/215
3) OHS technique 3x10reps
4) DL 50%1RM 10sets of 3 reps, 45 sec rest
5) GHD raises 3 sets 5 reps
6) Run 20min treadmill

Squat warm up
1) Squat 60% 1RM (165lbs) x 20 without rest
2) Front Squat 135x6, 155x5, 175x3
3) Pullup- 100 reps straight (time: 7:40)
5 HSPU for each penalty (35)
4) Elliptical Tabata style 2 sets of 8 reps (20sec on 10sec off)

Work till failure, repeat

Work up to DL 1RM: 135x10, 225x4, 315x1, 345x1, 365x1, 375x1 (PR)
5 rounds for time:
5 DL at 80%1Rm (300lbs!)
15 box jumps: 30" box
Rx 11:45 Holy shit that was hard!
-I just deadlifted almost 6 tons in 20 minutes
Cycle: 8 reps: max 1min, slow 1 min

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