I love Bananas!
Going home for Christmas is nuts. Brittany and I had like 5 different family Christmas get-togethers over the course of our 4 day trip. I am straight up tired. It was nice to see friends and family...... but damn.
Glad to be back home working a lot. Wish I had some free time to get some snowboarding in. Soon enough, soon enough.
12/29: Catching up:
1) Work up to 1RM Squat Clean: 185lbs
2) AMRAP in 15 min
5x squat Clean at 75% 1RM
20x box jump 24" (no jump rope)
7 rounds
3) 5 x 5 weighted pull ups at 35 lbs
4) 250 lunges for time (7:59)
5x dips every min of lunges
Diane (at 24 hour fitness)
225lb Deadlifts
Handstand push ups
Time: 8:59
The HSPU killed me. Need to work on that.
only stopped twice during the DLs.