Monday: Lift
Power Clean 3x5 @185
Squat Clean and Press 2x 135, 2x145, 2x155, 2x165, 2x175, 2x185(f)
Deadlift 2x5@275, 2x4@295, 2x3@315, 2x2@335, 2x1@355
5 rounds for time:
-Air Dyne 50cal
-Sled Pushes 100ftx2 @ 90lbs
--Time 22:22
Run: 10k @ 8:30/mile
Wednesday: Lift
Bench Press: 2x5@185, 2x4@195, 2x3@205, 2x1@215
Close Grip Press: 3x6 at 135
Then: 4 rounds for time
-10x 18"step ups with 2x50lb dumbells
-10x Scotty Bobs with 25lb dumbells
-10x pull ups
-10x dips
-10x leg raises
-10x clapping push ups
-10x press with 2x25lb dumb bells
Thursday: Mtn Bike 15ish miles?
Friday: Run 10K with 5x .4 mile intervals at 6:15-6:30/mile
overal 8:26/mile
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Run 6.76 miles at 7:52/mile with 2x 1.5 mile intervals at 6:30
Then: AMRAP 30 min: 4 rounds + Sled&Tire
Sled Push 100ft at 130
Tire flip 100ft
Legs free rope climb
Box jump 24,30,36 x 3
Chain pull (all the chains attached to a rope)
100m Overhaed carry with 2x35lb dumbell
Power Clean 3x5 @ 185
Agility rope - hands and feet- lots of this
KB Snatch @ 53
Pull ups
Row 500m
Tuesday: Run 6 miles at 8:17/mile
10 rounds for time
1 mini Leg Blaster
5 Scotty Bobs with 25lb DB
30 Cal Airdyne
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Insomniac 5K
What I've done since becoming a father........
It's been a long 3 weeks. I feel like I'm just starting to recover from the emotional turmoil associated with having your wife almost die in front of you, while simultaneously almost instantly having another human being depend on you so much it's life and death. Seriously, if we forgot to take care of her.... no more Delilah. This isn't some turtles navigating to the sea shit. It's real and I get the impression it's going to be this way for a while.
In any case, it's been a confusing and new 3 weeks. Luckily, I have the kind of job that lends itself to shiftwork, so when the personal life gets real, I can make more time for it. It's been nice having family in town too. Just the basic things around the house take so much longer when you've got a baby strapped to your neck.
Delilah is a pretty awesome baby, as far as babies go. She is really good at shitting, eating, and sleeping. I figure shes got this gig dialed in.
I rant eh Dirty Dash last weekend. It was a lot of fun. Lots of mud and lots of ridiculousness. I was cleaning mud out of my ears for 5 days, and my vision is almost back to normal after getting mud under my contacts. Here are some pictures from the dash.
Fri 16th:
3 rounds for time:
-Row 100cal
-Air Dyne 100cal
----Time ~32min
Sat 17th: Dirty Dash
Sun 18th: Run 5.57 miles at 8:10/mile
Mon 19th: Leg-hater
5 rounds for time:
-2 mini leg blasters
-Push sled 100ft w/ 90lbs
-Pull sled 100ft w/90lbs
-rest 30sec
Tue 20th: Run 5K time trial at 6:50 pace
Wed 21st:Lift
Bench 2x5,2x4,2x3,2x2,2x1 (185-225lbs)
10-1 ladder
-100lb barbell stepup 18"
-25lb scotty bob
-35lb Turkish getups
-Strict Pull ups
-100lb strict press
----Time 47:52
Th 22nd: Run 10K at 8:20
Fri 23rd: Run 5K time trial at 6:43
Sat 24th: Lift
5x3 press at 135lbs
5x5-2 Front Squat at 135-185 lbs
7 rounds for time:
-7 Push Presses at 135
-70 sec row
-70 sec rest
Sun 25th: Run 10K at 8:40
It's been a long 3 weeks. I feel like I'm just starting to recover from the emotional turmoil associated with having your wife almost die in front of you, while simultaneously almost instantly having another human being depend on you so much it's life and death. Seriously, if we forgot to take care of her.... no more Delilah. This isn't some turtles navigating to the sea shit. It's real and I get the impression it's going to be this way for a while.
In any case, it's been a confusing and new 3 weeks. Luckily, I have the kind of job that lends itself to shiftwork, so when the personal life gets real, I can make more time for it. It's been nice having family in town too. Just the basic things around the house take so much longer when you've got a baby strapped to your neck.
Delilah is a pretty awesome baby, as far as babies go. She is really good at shitting, eating, and sleeping. I figure shes got this gig dialed in.
I rant eh Dirty Dash last weekend. It was a lot of fun. Lots of mud and lots of ridiculousness. I was cleaning mud out of my ears for 5 days, and my vision is almost back to normal after getting mud under my contacts. Here are some pictures from the dash.
Fri 16th:
3 rounds for time:
-Row 100cal
-Air Dyne 100cal
----Time ~32min
Sat 17th: Dirty Dash
Sun 18th: Run 5.57 miles at 8:10/mile
Mon 19th: Leg-hater
5 rounds for time:
-2 mini leg blasters
-Push sled 100ft w/ 90lbs
-Pull sled 100ft w/90lbs
-rest 30sec
Tue 20th: Run 5K time trial at 6:50 pace
Wed 21st:Lift
Bench 2x5,2x4,2x3,2x2,2x1 (185-225lbs)
10-1 ladder
-100lb barbell stepup 18"
-25lb scotty bob
-35lb Turkish getups
-Strict Pull ups
-100lb strict press
----Time 47:52
Th 22nd: Run 10K at 8:20
Fri 23rd: Run 5K time trial at 6:43
Sat 24th: Lift
5x3 press at 135lbs
5x5-2 Front Squat at 135-185 lbs
7 rounds for time:
-7 Push Presses at 135
-70 sec row
-70 sec rest
Sun 25th: Run 10K at 8:40
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
funny that one of these:
Actually turns into one of these:
Turns out these little poopers are kind of a challenge.
My days now go something like this.
1:00am: clean poop off everything near my daughters butt.
1:15am: Try to hand off child to wife to feed, attempt to fall asleep but get ringed into getting juice for mom sauce
1:20am: Fall back asleep
1:21am: wake back up to sound of child belching in bed next to me
1:45am: fall back asleep finally
3:00am: Wake up to sound of child crying, smacking lips, and exploding her diaper.
3:01am: Clean up poop, take off diaper and only to find old faithful erupting all over the changing table.
3:05am: Pass the babe to the boob.
3:07am: Wake up to the sound of belching and farting
3:08am: get more juice for mom sauce
3:30am: Change diaper again because the gastro-colic reflex is a bitch
3:35am: fall back asleep
repeat at 2 hour intervals AMRAP in 24 hours.
So I've been running a bit more. It's easier to do than 2 hour gym sessions, and I just don't have the sleep to rest after the weights. The last week has seen an increase in miles with a slow 5K time trial that sorta bummed me out.
Thursday: 5.41 miles at 8:33/mile
Friday: 6.35 miles at 8:47/mile
Saturday: Lift Sunday: Time Trial 5K 7:06/mile
3x5 press (115),
1-3-5 press-PP-Jerk at 95,115,135
then 5 rounds for time: time 28:34
30 cal air dyne
10 body weight dead lifts
30 cal row
10 tire flips
Tuesday: 1-20 53lb KB swing breathing ladder -16:15
Wednesday: 6.38 miles at 8:41/mile
Actually turns into one of these:
Turns out these little poopers are kind of a challenge.
My days now go something like this.
1:00am: clean poop off everything near my daughters butt.
1:15am: Try to hand off child to wife to feed, attempt to fall asleep but get ringed into getting juice for mom sauce
1:20am: Fall back asleep
1:21am: wake back up to sound of child belching in bed next to me
1:45am: fall back asleep finally
3:00am: Wake up to sound of child crying, smacking lips, and exploding her diaper.
3:01am: Clean up poop, take off diaper and only to find old faithful erupting all over the changing table.
3:05am: Pass the babe to the boob.
3:07am: Wake up to the sound of belching and farting
3:08am: get more juice for mom sauce
3:30am: Change diaper again because the gastro-colic reflex is a bitch
3:35am: fall back asleep
repeat at 2 hour intervals AMRAP in 24 hours.
So I've been running a bit more. It's easier to do than 2 hour gym sessions, and I just don't have the sleep to rest after the weights. The last week has seen an increase in miles with a slow 5K time trial that sorta bummed me out.
Thursday: 5.41 miles at 8:33/mile
Friday: 6.35 miles at 8:47/mile
Saturday: Lift Sunday: Time Trial 5K 7:06/mile
3x5 press (115),
1-3-5 press-PP-Jerk at 95,115,135
then 5 rounds for time: time 28:34
30 cal air dyne
10 body weight dead lifts
30 cal row
10 tire flips
Tuesday: 1-20 53lb KB swing breathing ladder -16:15
Wednesday: 6.38 miles at 8:41/mile
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Back to the track
Been getting back to the track the last few Weeks. It hurts, and I'm slow.
3 weeks ago:
5x400m: 1:37, 1:18, 1:24, 1:19, 1:20
2 weeks ago:
last week:
200m: 34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 30s,32s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 32s,34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 33s,34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 34s,34s
200m: 30s
This week:
5x150m hill sprints (Steep!)
~30s each with 2:30 rest between.
6 laps at hospital (90%) 21:13 (3 miles)
Short loop: (75%) 24:26 (3.05 miles)
Long Loop: (75%) 34:41 (4.13miles)
3 weeks ago:
5x400m: 1:37, 1:18, 1:24, 1:19, 1:20
2 weeks ago:
last week:
200m: 34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 30s,32s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 32s,34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 33s,34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 34s,34s
200m: 30s
This week:
5x150m hill sprints (Steep!)
~30s each with 2:30 rest between.
6 laps at hospital (90%) 21:13 (3 miles)
Short loop: (75%) 24:26 (3.05 miles)
Long Loop: (75%) 34:41 (4.13miles)
Monday, April 04, 2011
300 pullups in one day. Spread out however.
Tuesday: Dynamic Day:
1) 10x2 BS 190 + Heavy Bands
2) 9x3 Bench 122.5 + Heavy Bands
3) 5x5 Deadlift 185 + Short Bands
Run 30 minutes
Wednesday: Off
Press 3x5 135lbs
Press/PP/Jerk 1/3/5 3 sets at 135lbs
-3 rounds 20x50lb swings +2minrow at <1:55
---rest 1 min between
- 3 rounds 15x50lb goblet squats = 4xtabata row
---rest 2 min
Friday: Max Lift day
Back Squat: 275, 295(fail), 295(Fail)
Bench: 245
Oly Lift Day
Power Clean 5x3 195
Squat Clean and Press 155lbs 10x2
3 rounds:
- 10 REv Hyper
- 10 GHD Situps
- 5 36in box jumps
Run 4 miles
300 pullups in one day. Spread out however.
Tuesday: Dynamic Day:
1) 10x2 BS 190 + Heavy Bands
2) 9x3 Bench 122.5 + Heavy Bands
3) 5x5 Deadlift 185 + Short Bands
Run 30 minutes
Wednesday: Off
Press 3x5 135lbs
Press/PP/Jerk 1/3/5 3 sets at 135lbs
-3 rounds 20x50lb swings +2minrow at <1:55
---rest 1 min between
- 3 rounds 15x50lb goblet squats = 4xtabata row
---rest 2 min
Friday: Max Lift day
Back Squat: 275, 295(fail), 295(Fail)
Bench: 245
Oly Lift Day
Power Clean 5x3 195
Squat Clean and Press 155lbs 10x2
3 rounds:
- 10 REv Hyper
- 10 GHD Situps
- 5 36in box jumps
Run 4 miles
Monday, March 28, 2011
My New Closet

I spent every waking moment this week (that I wasn't at work) building a closet off my bedroom. The house was sold with the closet bare. No rods, no shelves, nada. So I got some tools, wood, stain, and got after it. It too a while and there are a few things I didn't get quite perfect, but overall I'm happy with the look. Put double bars on the right and a singe high nar in the back left corner. Smaller shelves on the bottom left for shoes. The wood is stained walnut and is pretty dark which I think works well against the white bars and the white walls.
The only think I might have done differently is put in cedar paneling for the anti-moth effect and the bomb smell.
Sunday: Dynamic Day
1) Back Squat with Medium Bands + 185lbs - 10x2
2) Bench Press with medium Bands + 122.5lbs - 9x3
3) Deadlift with Medium Bands + 205lbs - 6x2
4) Reverse Hyper with 70lbs - 5x5
5) Pullups 5x5
1) Bike Trainer 30min
2) 8 rounds
- Mini leg blaster
-10 pushups
-15 situps
3) 200 pull ups - dispersed throughout the day
Run: 25 minutes
Power Clean: 5x3 190lbs
Press: 5x5 with purple bands
KB Press: 5x5 with 53 lb KBs
Wednesday: Max Lift Day
Squat 1RM: 315 (PR!!!)
Bench 1RM: 235 (255 fail x2)
- should have gone for 250 here
Close Grip Bench 3x10 at 135lbs
Upright Row: 3x8 at 135lbs
Jones Crawl: 3 rounds
-10x 185lb Deadlift
-25 box jumps at 24"
Run 35 min
Friday: Oly Day
10x2 Squat CLean and Jerk at 155lbs
3 rounds: 1-3-5 (Press/PP/Jerk) at 135lbs
WOD: 1 min on, 1 min rest
-Squat - 60
-Situp - 39
-Box Jump 18" - 47
-Burpee - 20
-Mountain Climber - 74
-Wall Ball - 31
-Row - 31
-Total 302
Run 35 minutes
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What we take for granted
I don't usually write about this sort of thing on my blog. For good reason. You don't want to read it, and I don't want to relive it. Tonight was different. After my shift tonight, I feel like getting something off my chest.
I saw man die tonight. I've seen that before, a lot. But tonight a 27 year old man presented in cardiac arrest. while at home watching TV with his family he grabbed his chest and said "I think I'm having a heart attack." He collapsed and stopped breathing. Bystanders started CPR and he was brought in by EMS. I threw everything I could think of at this kid. We coded him for and hour and a half: CPR, meds, TPA. We even called down the interventional cardiologist. Nothing.
I brought the family in after 10 minutes or so. They stayed the entire time. I knew it was pointless after about 15 minutes, but I just couldn't stop. He had a tiny bit of heart movement on ultrasound. (If its not moving your chance of survival is 0%). That kept me going. He started bleeding out of his breathing tube from the TPA. His labs looked great, the best I've ever seen in a cardiac arrest. Everything was done right. But we couldn't turn it around.
His family was amazing. Mom, wife and dad at the bedside. They were composed and kept it together. You would have to drug me if that were my son or spouse on the table. They were obviously religious, and it helps me see the attraction to God. It gives you strength and explanation when your world is turned upside down. Faith seems like a small price to pay for comfort in a horrible situation like this. Of course they were crying, they were heartbroken, but they were there, for him, for themselves.
His wife looked like she was in college. Mascara was running down her face. At one point blood shot out of his ET tube onto her. She didn't even flinch. She just kept telling him how much she loved him, and how wonderful he is. I hope he heard her.
Hs mother didn't look much older than his wife. She stood there, holding his hand the entire time, except when we moved her to perform procedures.
Dad wasn't much older. He kept involved, constantly asking me what we were doing, why we were doing it, and if it was working. It wasn't. He told me how strong his son was. How athletic he was, and how much he had already been through. I listened.
In this sort of situation, I never get to meet the patient. I only know them through the family. It's amazing how much you can learn about a person, from talking with their family at their time of death.
His family couldn't stop thanking us after we stopped. You don't often get thanks for calling a time of death. But they were adamant. Honest. Sincere. I couldn't stop saying "I'm sorry" "I wish we could have done more."
Tonight was one of those times I think a lot about death. Not just others, but mine, the people I love. In a way, I think we live forever. Our daily interactions influence others. For good or bad we change people. We make our mark on the world. This 27 year old clearly made his mark on his family, on me, on everyone I meet.
Thank you for that.
I saw man die tonight. I've seen that before, a lot. But tonight a 27 year old man presented in cardiac arrest. while at home watching TV with his family he grabbed his chest and said "I think I'm having a heart attack." He collapsed and stopped breathing. Bystanders started CPR and he was brought in by EMS. I threw everything I could think of at this kid. We coded him for and hour and a half: CPR, meds, TPA. We even called down the interventional cardiologist. Nothing.
I brought the family in after 10 minutes or so. They stayed the entire time. I knew it was pointless after about 15 minutes, but I just couldn't stop. He had a tiny bit of heart movement on ultrasound. (If its not moving your chance of survival is 0%). That kept me going. He started bleeding out of his breathing tube from the TPA. His labs looked great, the best I've ever seen in a cardiac arrest. Everything was done right. But we couldn't turn it around.
His family was amazing. Mom, wife and dad at the bedside. They were composed and kept it together. You would have to drug me if that were my son or spouse on the table. They were obviously religious, and it helps me see the attraction to God. It gives you strength and explanation when your world is turned upside down. Faith seems like a small price to pay for comfort in a horrible situation like this. Of course they were crying, they were heartbroken, but they were there, for him, for themselves.
His wife looked like she was in college. Mascara was running down her face. At one point blood shot out of his ET tube onto her. She didn't even flinch. She just kept telling him how much she loved him, and how wonderful he is. I hope he heard her.
Hs mother didn't look much older than his wife. She stood there, holding his hand the entire time, except when we moved her to perform procedures.
Dad wasn't much older. He kept involved, constantly asking me what we were doing, why we were doing it, and if it was working. It wasn't. He told me how strong his son was. How athletic he was, and how much he had already been through. I listened.
In this sort of situation, I never get to meet the patient. I only know them through the family. It's amazing how much you can learn about a person, from talking with their family at their time of death.
His family couldn't stop thanking us after we stopped. You don't often get thanks for calling a time of death. But they were adamant. Honest. Sincere. I couldn't stop saying "I'm sorry" "I wish we could have done more."
Tonight was one of those times I think a lot about death. Not just others, but mine, the people I love. In a way, I think we live forever. Our daily interactions influence others. For good or bad we change people. We make our mark on the world. This 27 year old clearly made his mark on his family, on me, on everyone I meet.
Thank you for that.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Awesome day at the bird this Tuesday:
30 inch storm, blue skis....... wow

Tried again at 300 BS. Today I failed on a warm up set.... weird
Couldn't even get 285 up once.
I knew something was wrong. Stopped squating and went for a run.
Bench 195 5x5
Run 1 mile, row 2000m, run 1 mile: 23:30
Max Press: 152.5 (1RM PR)
Max Clean: 215 (1RM PR)
-Clean and Jerk @ 145
-=Box Jump 36"
Deadlift max: 385 (1RM PR!)
Bench 200 5x5
Sled Pushes:
-100m pushes with 90lbs on sled
-10x with 1 min rest between
Reverse Hyper: 4x5 heavy- 90lbs
GHD Sit ups 3x10
-3 rounds:
---15 Push press at 95lbs
---20 min row at <1:45/500m pace (570m,570m,530m)
---rest 2 min
-rest 3 min
-3 rounds:
---10 atlas ball to shoulder
---50 bow jumps 24" (2:06,2:16,2:30)
30 inch storm, blue skis....... wow

Tried again at 300 BS. Today I failed on a warm up set.... weird
Couldn't even get 285 up once.
I knew something was wrong. Stopped squating and went for a run.
Bench 195 5x5
Run 1 mile, row 2000m, run 1 mile: 23:30
Max Press: 152.5 (1RM PR)
Max Clean: 215 (1RM PR)
-Clean and Jerk @ 145
-=Box Jump 36"
Deadlift max: 385 (1RM PR!)
Bench 200 5x5
Sled Pushes:
-100m pushes with 90lbs on sled
-10x with 1 min rest between
Reverse Hyper: 4x5 heavy- 90lbs
GHD Sit ups 3x10
-3 rounds:
---15 Push press at 95lbs
---20 min row at <1:45/500m pace (570m,570m,530m)
---rest 2 min
-rest 3 min
-3 rounds:
---10 atlas ball to shoulder
---50 bow jumps 24" (2:06,2:16,2:30)
Monday, March 07, 2011
Sliding below the MLK Crust
On MLK weekend we had a rain event in the wasatch. Rain fell and froze. It f'd everything up, creating a huge thick hard rain crust that many been concerned about slides on. Now it turns out that crust may not be the problem. The picture below is from a slide in red pine where the slide went to 7 feet deep. hundreds of feet wide - it was a natural slide and no one was injured. Makes you want to go back country skiing huh?

BS 235 3x5
Press 137.5 5x5
PC 200 5x3
Sled sprints (2x45s on sled)
10 100ft sprints in 15 min
- holy crap this taxed me
3x15 GHD situps and reverse hypers
Bench Press: 190 5x5
BS 300 (fail on rep 4)
BS 225 3x5
Press 140 5x5
PC 205 5x3
Run 4.5 miels with wife at park with dogs
BS 235 3x5
Press 137.5 5x5
PC 200 5x3
Sled sprints (2x45s on sled)
10 100ft sprints in 15 min
- holy crap this taxed me
3x15 GHD situps and reverse hypers
Bench Press: 190 5x5
BS 300 (fail on rep 4)
BS 225 3x5
Press 140 5x5
PC 205 5x3
Run 4.5 miels with wife at park with dogs
Sunday, February 20, 2011
12 hours of Snowbird
I participated in the 12 hours of Snowbird this weekend. It was a charity event for the Utah Avalanche Center. 80 or so participants saddled up to ski/board from 7pm-7am in a race to rack up the most vertical feet. The winners were amazing and racked up 160k vertical feet. I felt pretty solid with my 94,000 vertical feet.
Gumby and I we team "70's big." We made a pretty good team. Borrowed bike lights from friends and went for it. We pretty much skied from 7p-7a nonstop, despite a few 5-10 min breaks and about 20 pee breaks. It turns out glasses of hot water on the lift are essential in the cold at night- but unfortunately make for a lot of peeing. Towards the end of the night I was worried I was going to give myself hyponatremia I was drinking so much free water.
Run 5k, last mile at 6min pace
Press 3x5 press 137.5 (fail on rep 5 in sets 2 and 3)
Power Clean 5x3 at 195
Row max metes in 1 min 350 m
Bike 50 minutes
Linear Progression
-Back Squat 3x5 295lb
-Bench Press 5x5 185lb
-Deadlift 1x5 330lb
-Ring Dips
Run 4.5 miles
-KB swing
-right arm KB Push Press
-left arm KB Push Press
time: 15:36
Thursday: Run 4.5 miles
Skin 6 miles 1800 vertical feet
1/2 with a 70 lb back pack
Back Country Skiing
Back country skiing
Skinning back down 6 miles with 50 lb pack
Bell Lake Yurt:
This is where I went for the weekend.
Gumby and I we team "70's big." We made a pretty good team. Borrowed bike lights from friends and went for it. We pretty much skied from 7p-7a nonstop, despite a few 5-10 min breaks and about 20 pee breaks. It turns out glasses of hot water on the lift are essential in the cold at night- but unfortunately make for a lot of peeing. Towards the end of the night I was worried I was going to give myself hyponatremia I was drinking so much free water.
Run 5k, last mile at 6min pace
Press 3x5 press 137.5 (fail on rep 5 in sets 2 and 3)
Power Clean 5x3 at 195
Row max metes in 1 min 350 m
Bike 50 minutes
Linear Progression
-Back Squat 3x5 295lb
-Bench Press 5x5 185lb
-Deadlift 1x5 330lb
-Ring Dips
Run 4.5 miles
-KB swing
-right arm KB Push Press
-left arm KB Push Press
time: 15:36
Thursday: Run 4.5 miles
Skin 6 miles 1800 vertical feet
1/2 with a 70 lb back pack
Back Country Skiing
Back country skiing
Skinning back down 6 miles with 50 lb pack
Bell Lake Yurt:
This is where I went for the weekend.

Friday, February 11, 2011
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x285 (PR)
Press 5x5x132.5 (PR
Power Clean 5x3x190 (PR)
Power Clean 1x1x215 (20lb PR)
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1mile
Time: 22:30
BS 3x5x220
Bench 4x5x212.5
Deadlift: 1x5x330
Run 4.5miles - 39min
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x225
Press 5x5x135 (PR)
Power Clean 5x3x192.5 (PR)
Conditioning: IWT
3 rounds: 15x79lb KB swing + 2min row (<1:45pace)
-rest 2 min b/w rounds
3 rounds: 15x70lb KB goblet Squat + 2min tabata row
Run 4 miles
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x290 (PR)
Deadlift: 1x5x325
Row 5K 19:36
Run 40min on treadmil, intervals
Run 45 minutes in OKC
Thursday: OFF
Friday: 12 hours of Snowbird
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x285 (PR)
Press 5x5x132.5 (PR
Power Clean 5x3x190 (PR)
Power Clean 1x1x215 (20lb PR)
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1mile
Time: 22:30
BS 3x5x220
Bench 4x5x212.5
Deadlift: 1x5x330
Run 4.5miles - 39min
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x225
Press 5x5x135 (PR)
Power Clean 5x3x192.5 (PR)
Conditioning: IWT
3 rounds: 15x79lb KB swing + 2min row (<1:45pace)
-rest 2 min b/w rounds
3 rounds: 15x70lb KB goblet Squat + 2min tabata row
Run 4 miles
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x290 (PR)
Deadlift: 1x5x325
Row 5K 19:36
Run 40min on treadmil, intervals
Run 45 minutes in OKC
Thursday: OFF
Friday: 12 hours of Snowbird
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The chocolate bacon donut

Had some friends come into town this past week for an annual snowboard trip. The crew was small this year. Some are buying houses, some didn't have the time to come. But we still had a great time. Snowboarded at Solitude, Snowbird, Davenport hill, and Pow Mow. Saw two Sundance films. Ate some kick ass donuts. and all in all had a good damn time.
Solitude on Sunday: Not bad, but kind of crusty. Tried skiing on the crust- I'm not that good yet.
Snowbird on Tuesday: nice 5 inches while we were there, Spent some solid time traversing tiger tail off Gad2.
Totally worth it.
Thursday: Rented the guys split boards and climbed up davenport hill across the rode from Alta. Got surprised by warm weather and wet snow- high-tailed it out of there about 3/4 of the way up. then beers on the deck at Alta. Good times.
Friday: POW MOW!!!! Wow, why have I been skiing anywhere else. 46 bucks for a locals ticket, 15 bucks for a cat ride, 7 bucks for a bomb ass turkey burger at the powder keg. I wish I could transplant this place in the wasach front. I'd never go anywhere else. Love IT!.
Linear Progression:
BS 270 3x5
Press 125 5x5
Power Clean 182.5 3x5
Snowboard 6 hours
Skate Ski 45 min
Linear progression:
BS 210 3x5
Bench 205 3x5
Deadlift 305 1x5
Ski Touring 2 hours
Skate Ski 45 min
Snowboard 6 hours
Linear progression
BS 275 3x5
Press 127.5 5x5
Clean 185 3x5
I was so pumped to get back up to 275 on the BS
I am now PR'ing every movement (except DL) with each workout.
Saturday was 3 PR's in one day BS, press, power clean.
Stoked! And it felt good!
Sunday: Rhinovirused
-135lb wide grip deadlift
-55lb kb press
-25 lb weighted situp
-20 lb ball slam
--Time 13:33
Max distance 3 min bike
1.22 miles
I'm going to use a combination of cycling and running to test my VO2 max progression.
I plan, in the near future, after i'm huge to start doing VO2 max work with running and cycling.
It will go something like this:
Cycling: max effort 3-5 reps of 3-8 min max efforts. (Increasing reps and length)
Running: Max effort sprints 100m-1mile for repeats 3-10reps.
Rest for both will be 1/2 to the length of the effort.
I will use the following as my benchmarks:
Mile run for time: ________ not yet completed
12 min run for distance: 2950 m
3 min cycle for distance: 1.22 miles
8 min cycle for distance: _______ not yet completed
Thursday, January 20, 2011
A new me & VO2 max = 54
No more GI FLu BS. I'm feeling good!
5 K Run
Linear progression:
BS 260 3x5
Bench 200 3x5 (PR!)
Deadlift 295 3x5
Then Jason and I did the 12 min run VO2 Max estimator:
Run 12 min at max pace
I ran 2950m
According to the calculator I published last week: My Vo2 Max is 54
Linear Progression - off load day
BS 205 3x5
Press 122.5 5x5 (PR!)
Clean 180 3x5
----- Stoked about this one.
---I failed at 180 on Sunday
----This was hard, but still. It went up!
Run 4miles
Skate Ski 1 hour
Linear progression
Back Squat 270 3x5
Bench Press 202.5 3x5
Deadlift 300 1x5
Snowboard 6 hours
Run 4 miles
5 K Run
Linear progression:
BS 260 3x5
Bench 200 3x5 (PR!)
Deadlift 295 3x5
Then Jason and I did the 12 min run VO2 Max estimator:
Run 12 min at max pace
I ran 2950m
According to the calculator I published last week: My Vo2 Max is 54
Linear Progression - off load day
BS 205 3x5
Press 122.5 5x5 (PR!)
Clean 180 3x5
----- Stoked about this one.
---I failed at 180 on Sunday
----This was hard, but still. It went up!
Run 4miles
Skate Ski 1 hour
Linear progression
Back Squat 270 3x5
Bench Press 202.5 3x5
Deadlift 300 1x5
Snowboard 6 hours
Run 4 miles
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Argh the devils of the intestines are spearing me from the inside.
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x255
BP 5x5x197.5
DL 1x5x290
then: run 4.5 miles with the dog
Row 3 min: 865 m
Rest 3 min
Hang Power Snatch 75lbs 3min: 48 reps
Rest 3 min
Row 3min: 821 m
Rest 3 min
Hang Power Snatch 75lbs 3min: 53 reps
---total reps 1787
Pukie, much pukie
This Blows
Sick, weak, tired, ass
Starting to feel better
No liftin
XC ski 45min
Linear Progression: at 24 hour suck
BS 3x5x200 (Back off day)
Press 5x5x120 (PR)
PC 3x5x180 (Fail- no bumper weights and shitty bar)
-- I'm going to repeat this PC at CF
-- 177.5 went up easy. Seems strange that 180 would fail on rep 3
Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x255
BP 5x5x197.5
DL 1x5x290
then: run 4.5 miles with the dog
Row 3 min: 865 m
Rest 3 min
Hang Power Snatch 75lbs 3min: 48 reps
Rest 3 min
Row 3min: 821 m
Rest 3 min
Hang Power Snatch 75lbs 3min: 53 reps
---total reps 1787
Pukie, much pukie
This Blows
Sick, weak, tired, ass
Starting to feel better
No liftin
XC ski 45min
Linear Progression: at 24 hour suck
BS 3x5x200 (Back off day)
Press 5x5x120 (PR)
PC 3x5x180 (Fail- no bumper weights and shitty bar)
-- I'm going to repeat this PC at CF
-- 177.5 went up easy. Seems strange that 180 would fail on rep 3
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
A nEw YeAr
Spent the New year in Idaho/Wy with the SLC crew.
1 day at Targee - cold but fun- nice mountain
1 Day touring at Teton Pass- Edelweiss bowl - FUN
But DAMN was it cold. High of 3 that day. I was numb.
Britt seemed to have some fun but that may be up for debate.
I remember my first day touring and I felt like a moron. I was struggling. It's hard for a snsowboarder to put on two planks and walk around. We're not built that way. It seemed easier for me this time. Probably since I've been skiing this year.
I'm on Day 16 Skiing today. Looking to break a personal record this year. Most of them have been on the skiis too. Only Snowboarded a few times.
Saturday Jan 1st
- Hike Snowpack at Snow King - 1500ft eleveation gain
-max Lunges in 20 min 713
Sunday Jan 2nd
Run 37 min
Linear Progression Reset:
Squat 5x225,5x235,5x245
Press 5x5x115
PC 3x5x175 (Whoops 10 lb jump)
GHB sit ups
KB swings- 53lbs
Double unders
Pull ups
Clean and Press 2xKB at 53 lbs
Row for calories
time: 30:46
Linear Progression:
Back Squat 3x5 195
Bench Press 5x5 195
Deadlift 1x5 285
row for calories, rest #cal in seconds
20-15-10-5, 20-15-10-5
Run 1hour, 6.8 miles
Linear Progression
BS 3x5x250
Press 5x5x117.5
PC 3x5x177.5
Grappling - 1 hr
XC skiing - 2 hours
Run 3 miles slow with wife and dogs.
This is something I want to give a go:
How to Perform the 12 Minute Run Test
The Cooper 12 minute run test requires the person being tested to run or walk as far as possible in a 12 minute period. The objective of the test is to measure the maximum distance covered by the individual during the 12 minute period and is usually carried out on a running track by placing cones at various distances to enable measuring of the distance. A stopwatch is required for ensuring that the individual runs for the correct amount of time.
Safety First. This is a strenuous fitness test and it's recommended that you have your physician's clearance before performing this test on your own.
Equipment. You'll need a timer to know when 12 minutes are up.
Location. This test is designed to be conducted on a track with clearly marked distance. You can perform the test on a treadmill, but be sure to raise the incline to one degree to simulate outdoor running.
Warm Up. Perform a short 10 to 15 minute warm up before performing any fitness testing.
Run or Walk. When you are warmed up, get going. Run or walk as far as you can in 12 minutes.
Record Your Distance. Record the total number of miles or kilometers you traveled in 12 minutes.
Calculate Your 12 Minute Run Test Results
The easiest way to get your test results (your VO2 max score) and compare yourself with others of your age and gender is with this Online 12 Minute Test Results Calculator.
Calculate Your Estimated VO2 Max
To calculate your estimated VO2 Max results (in ml/kg/min) use either of these formulas:
In Miles: VO2max = (35.97 x miles) - 11.29.
In Kilometers: VO2max = (22.351 x kilometers) - 11.288
Compare Your 12 minute Run Fitness Test Results
After your complete the test, you can compare your results to the norms and recommendations for your age and gender with the following table.
Cooper, K.H. (1968), "A means of assessing maximal oxygen uptake," Journal of the American Medical Association, 203:201-204.
12 Minute Run Fitness Test Results
Age Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Male 20-29 >2800m 2400-2800m 2200-2399m 1600-2199m <1600m
Females 20-29 >2700m 2200-2700m 1800-2199m 1500-1799m <1500m
Males 30-39 >2700m 2300-2700m 1900-2299m 1500-1999m <1500m
Females 30-39 >2500m 2000-2500m 1700-1999m 1400-1699m <1400m
Males 40-49 >2500m 2100-2500m 1700-2099m 1400-1699m <1400m
Females 40-49 >2300m 1900-2300m 1500-1899m 1200-1499m <1200m
Males 50 >2400m 2000-2400m 1600-1999m 1300-1599m <1300m
Females 50 >2200m 1700-2200m 1400-1699m 1100-1399m <1100m
1 day at Targee - cold but fun- nice mountain
1 Day touring at Teton Pass- Edelweiss bowl - FUN
But DAMN was it cold. High of 3 that day. I was numb.
Britt seemed to have some fun but that may be up for debate.
I remember my first day touring and I felt like a moron. I was struggling. It's hard for a snsowboarder to put on two planks and walk around. We're not built that way. It seemed easier for me this time. Probably since I've been skiing this year.
I'm on Day 16 Skiing today. Looking to break a personal record this year. Most of them have been on the skiis too. Only Snowboarded a few times.
Saturday Jan 1st
- Hike Snowpack at Snow King - 1500ft eleveation gain
-max Lunges in 20 min 713
Sunday Jan 2nd
Run 37 min
Linear Progression Reset:
Squat 5x225,5x235,5x245
Press 5x5x115
PC 3x5x175 (Whoops 10 lb jump)
GHB sit ups
KB swings- 53lbs
Double unders
Pull ups
Clean and Press 2xKB at 53 lbs
Row for calories
time: 30:46
Linear Progression:
Back Squat 3x5 195
Bench Press 5x5 195
Deadlift 1x5 285
row for calories, rest #cal in seconds
20-15-10-5, 20-15-10-5
Run 1hour, 6.8 miles
Linear Progression
BS 3x5x250
Press 5x5x117.5
PC 3x5x177.5
Grappling - 1 hr
XC skiing - 2 hours
Run 3 miles slow with wife and dogs.
This is something I want to give a go:
How to Perform the 12 Minute Run Test
The Cooper 12 minute run test requires the person being tested to run or walk as far as possible in a 12 minute period. The objective of the test is to measure the maximum distance covered by the individual during the 12 minute period and is usually carried out on a running track by placing cones at various distances to enable measuring of the distance. A stopwatch is required for ensuring that the individual runs for the correct amount of time.
Safety First. This is a strenuous fitness test and it's recommended that you have your physician's clearance before performing this test on your own.
Equipment. You'll need a timer to know when 12 minutes are up.
Location. This test is designed to be conducted on a track with clearly marked distance. You can perform the test on a treadmill, but be sure to raise the incline to one degree to simulate outdoor running.
Warm Up. Perform a short 10 to 15 minute warm up before performing any fitness testing.
Run or Walk. When you are warmed up, get going. Run or walk as far as you can in 12 minutes.
Record Your Distance. Record the total number of miles or kilometers you traveled in 12 minutes.
Calculate Your 12 Minute Run Test Results
The easiest way to get your test results (your VO2 max score) and compare yourself with others of your age and gender is with this Online 12 Minute Test Results Calculator.
Calculate Your Estimated VO2 Max
To calculate your estimated VO2 Max results (in ml/kg/min) use either of these formulas:
In Miles: VO2max = (35.97 x miles) - 11.29.
In Kilometers: VO2max = (22.351 x kilometers) - 11.288
Compare Your 12 minute Run Fitness Test Results
After your complete the test, you can compare your results to the norms and recommendations for your age and gender with the following table.
Cooper, K.H. (1968), "A means of assessing maximal oxygen uptake," Journal of the American Medical Association, 203:201-204.
12 Minute Run Fitness Test Results
Age Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Male 20-29 >2800m 2400-2800m 2200-2399m 1600-2199m <1600m
Females 20-29 >2700m 2200-2700m 1800-2199m 1500-1799m <1500m
Males 30-39 >2700m 2300-2700m 1900-2299m 1500-1999m <1500m
Females 30-39 >2500m 2000-2500m 1700-1999m 1400-1699m <1400m
Males 40-49 >2500m 2100-2500m 1700-2099m 1400-1699m <1400m
Females 40-49 >2300m 1900-2300m 1500-1899m 1200-1499m <1200m
Males 50 >2400m 2000-2400m 1600-1999m 1300-1599m <1300m
Females 50 >2200m 1700-2200m 1400-1699m 1100-1399m <1100m
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