Been getting back to the track the last few Weeks. It hurts, and I'm slow.
3 weeks ago:
5x400m: 1:37, 1:18, 1:24, 1:19, 1:20
2 weeks ago:
last week:
200m: 34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 30s,32s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 32s,34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 33s,34s
200m, rest 30s, 200m: 34s,34s
200m: 30s
This week:
5x150m hill sprints (Steep!)
~30s each with 2:30 rest between.
6 laps at hospital (90%) 21:13 (3 miles)
Short loop: (75%) 24:26 (3.05 miles)
Long Loop: (75%) 34:41 (4.13miles)
1 comment:
Dude. WAY too much running. You're never going to get huge like that. Although, I have no room to talk since I'm inching towards the wrong side of 200...
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