I've been doing this Gym Jones and Crossfit thing for a year now. So far I've got to say I like it a lot. It is challenging and much less boring than any other gym workouts. I feel better, stronger, and more capable than before I started. But I haven't had anything to actually compare.Over the last couple of weeks I've been on several bike rides. I haven't been on the bike since October. That's pretty typical for me. I'm not much of a winter rider. Cold makes me cold. Anyway, my first 5-10 rides of the year are always brutal- my legs are weak, my lungs are tight. But this year has been different. This year my lungs have been strong. Each time I get to the top of emmigration I feel like I can keep going. I don;t know what else to attribute that too other than this new workout regime. Nice to know somethings working.
While I was riding today I worked out the equation to figure out how many reps you've done if you complete a ladder of some exercise. A ladder is when each consecutive set has one more rep than the last. Such as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
I'm sure this is 3rd grade math, but it seemed novel today while I was thinking about it.
If you go up the ladder but not back down:
# reps = (x^2 + x)/2 where x is the highes number of reps
If you go up and back down the ladder:
# reps = x^2
For example a ladder to 6:
1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21 reps = (6^2 +6)/2
Sometimes I think about pretty dorky things.
Run 5K at hospital
Bike Emmigration 41:30 to top. 1:05 back home
300: for time
25 Pull ups
50 135lb deadlifts
50 Floor Wipers 135lbs
50 Uush Ups
50 Clean and press 35lb KB
50 Box Jumps 24"
25 Pull ups
- Time = 12:00