Thursday, January 27, 2011

The chocolate bacon donut

Had some friends come into town this past week for an annual snowboard trip. The crew was small this year. Some are buying houses, some didn't have the time to come. But we still had a great time. Snowboarded at Solitude, Snowbird, Davenport hill, and Pow Mow. Saw two Sundance films. Ate some kick ass donuts. and all in all had a good damn time.

Solitude on Sunday: Not bad, but kind of crusty. Tried skiing on the crust- I'm not that good yet.
Snowbird on Tuesday: nice 5 inches while we were there, Spent some solid time traversing tiger tail off Gad2.
Totally worth it.
Thursday: Rented the guys split boards and climbed up davenport hill across the rode from Alta. Got surprised by warm weather and wet snow- high-tailed it out of there about 3/4 of the way up. then beers on the deck at Alta. Good times.
Friday: POW MOW!!!! Wow, why have I been skiing anywhere else. 46 bucks for a locals ticket, 15 bucks for a cat ride, 7 bucks for a bomb ass turkey burger at the powder keg. I wish I could transplant this place in the wasach front. I'd never go anywhere else. Love IT!.

Linear Progression:
BS 270 3x5
Press 125 5x5
Power Clean 182.5 3x5

Snowboard 6 hours

Skate Ski 45 min
Linear progression:
BS 210 3x5
Bench 205 3x5
Deadlift 305 1x5

Ski Touring 2 hours
Skate Ski 45 min

Snowboard 6 hours

Linear progression
BS 275 3x5
Press 127.5 5x5
Clean 185 3x5

I was so pumped to get back up to 275 on the BS
I am now PR'ing every movement (except DL) with each workout.
Saturday was 3 PR's in one day BS, press, power clean.
Stoked! And it felt good!

Sunday: Rhinovirused
-135lb wide grip deadlift
-55lb kb press
-25 lb weighted situp
-20 lb ball slam
--Time 13:33
Max distance 3 min bike
1.22 miles

I'm going to use a combination of cycling and running to test my VO2 max progression.
I plan, in the near future, after i'm huge to start doing VO2 max work with running and cycling.
It will go something like this:
Cycling: max effort 3-5 reps of 3-8 min max efforts. (Increasing reps and length)
Running: Max effort sprints 100m-1mile for repeats 3-10reps.
Rest for both will be 1/2 to the length of the effort.

I will use the following as my benchmarks:

Mile run for time: ________ not yet completed
12 min run for distance: 2950 m
3 min cycle for distance: 1.22 miles
8 min cycle for distance: _______ not yet completed

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A new me & VO2 max = 54

No more GI FLu BS. I'm feeling good!

5 K Run

Linear progression:
BS 260 3x5
Bench 200 3x5 (PR!)
Deadlift 295 3x5

Then Jason and I did the 12 min run VO2 Max estimator:
Run 12 min at max pace
I ran 2950m
According to the calculator I published last week: My Vo2 Max is 54

Linear Progression - off load day
BS 205 3x5
Press 122.5 5x5 (PR!)
Clean 180 3x5
----- Stoked about this one.
---I failed at 180 on Sunday
----This was hard, but still. It went up!

Run 4miles

Skate Ski 1 hour

Linear progression
Back Squat 270 3x5
Bench Press 202.5 3x5
Deadlift 300 1x5

Snowboard 6 hours
Run 4 miles

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Argh the devils of the intestines are spearing me from the inside.

Linear Progression:
BS 3x5x255
BP 5x5x197.5
DL 1x5x290

then: run 4.5 miles with the dog

Row 3 min: 865 m
Rest 3 min
Hang Power Snatch 75lbs 3min: 48 reps
Rest 3 min
Row 3min: 821 m
Rest 3 min
Hang Power Snatch 75lbs 3min: 53 reps
---total reps 1787

Pukie, much pukie

This Blows

Sick, weak, tired, ass

Starting to feel better
No liftin

XC ski 45min
Linear Progression: at 24 hour suck
BS 3x5x200 (Back off day)
Press 5x5x120 (PR)
PC 3x5x180 (Fail- no bumper weights and shitty bar)
-- I'm going to repeat this PC at CF
-- 177.5 went up easy. Seems strange that 180 would fail on rep 3

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A nEw YeAr

Spent the New year in Idaho/Wy with the SLC crew.
1 day at Targee - cold but fun- nice mountain
1 Day touring at Teton Pass- Edelweiss bowl - FUN
But DAMN was it cold. High of 3 that day. I was numb.
Britt seemed to have some fun but that may be up for debate.
I remember my first day touring and I felt like a moron. I was struggling. It's hard for a snsowboarder to put on two planks and walk around. We're not built that way. It seemed easier for me this time. Probably since I've been skiing this year.

I'm on Day 16 Skiing today. Looking to break a personal record this year. Most of them have been on the skiis too. Only Snowboarded a few times.

Saturday Jan 1st
- Hike Snowpack at Snow King - 1500ft eleveation gain
-max Lunges in 20 min 713

Sunday Jan 2nd
Run 37 min

Linear Progression Reset:
Squat 5x225,5x235,5x245
Press 5x5x115
PC 3x5x175 (Whoops 10 lb jump)

GHB sit ups

KB swings- 53lbs
Double unders
Pull ups
Clean and Press 2xKB at 53 lbs
Row for calories
time: 30:46

Linear Progression:
Back Squat 3x5 195
Bench Press 5x5 195
Deadlift 1x5 285

row for calories, rest #cal in seconds
20-15-10-5, 20-15-10-5

Run 1hour, 6.8 miles

Linear Progression
BS 3x5x250
Press 5x5x117.5
PC 3x5x177.5

Grappling - 1 hr
XC skiing - 2 hours

Run 3 miles slow with wife and dogs.

This is something I want to give a go:

How to Perform the 12 Minute Run Test

The Cooper 12 minute run test requires the person being tested to run or walk as far as possible in a 12 minute period. The objective of the test is to measure the maximum distance covered by the individual during the 12 minute period and is usually carried out on a running track by placing cones at various distances to enable measuring of the distance. A stopwatch is required for ensuring that the individual runs for the correct amount of time.
Safety First. This is a strenuous fitness test and it's recommended that you have your physician's clearance before performing this test on your own.
Equipment. You'll need a timer to know when 12 minutes are up.
Location. This test is designed to be conducted on a track with clearly marked distance. You can perform the test on a treadmill, but be sure to raise the incline to one degree to simulate outdoor running.
Warm Up. Perform a short 10 to 15 minute warm up before performing any fitness testing.
Run or Walk. When you are warmed up, get going. Run or walk as far as you can in 12 minutes.
Record Your Distance. Record the total number of miles or kilometers you traveled in 12 minutes.
Calculate Your 12 Minute Run Test Results

The easiest way to get your test results (your VO2 max score) and compare yourself with others of your age and gender is with this Online 12 Minute Test Results Calculator.
Calculate Your Estimated VO2 Max

To calculate your estimated VO2 Max results (in ml/kg/min) use either of these formulas:
In Miles: VO2max = (35.97 x miles) - 11.29.
In Kilometers: VO2max = (22.351 x kilometers) - 11.288
Compare Your 12 minute Run Fitness Test Results

After your complete the test, you can compare your results to the norms and recommendations for your age and gender with the following table.

Cooper, K.H. (1968), "A means of assessing maximal oxygen uptake," Journal of the American Medical Association, 203:201-204.

12 Minute Run Fitness Test Results
Age Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Male 20-29 >2800m 2400-2800m 2200-2399m 1600-2199m <1600m
Females 20-29 >2700m 2200-2700m 1800-2199m 1500-1799m <1500m
Males 30-39 >2700m 2300-2700m 1900-2299m 1500-1999m <1500m
Females 30-39 >2500m 2000-2500m 1700-1999m 1400-1699m <1400m
Males 40-49 >2500m 2100-2500m 1700-2099m 1400-1699m <1400m
Females 40-49 >2300m 1900-2300m 1500-1899m 1200-1499m <1200m
Males 50 >2400m 2000-2400m 1600-1999m 1300-1599m <1300m
Females 50 >2200m 1700-2200m 1400-1699m 1100-1399m <1100m