Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Dog = No sleep

This is our new dog Swiss. He's a Lab Pointer mix who is a rescuse and is 11 weeks old. He's super cute, but last night developed an impressive cough/hack/gag that keep me up all night.

1) 1xPress/3xPush Press/5xJerk
All without racking the bar.
5 rounds at 95/105/115/125/135

2) Clean and Jerk at 155lb
1 rep every 30s for ten minutes

3) Big 5-55 for time
-Piston Press 40lb
-KB Goblet Squat 53lb
-Pull up
-Box Jump 24"
-Deadlift @BW (175)
Time 15:10

4) Efficiency Row
5k, no toe straps, only breathing through nose
No more than 23 strokes per minute
Time: 21:45

1 comment:

grant said...

That little stinker is cute. I want to wrastle him.