Going to Portland tomorrow for the weekend. I'm stoked. I love that place. This has been a good week so far. I challenged myself in the gym on Monday and have been paying for it everyday since.
Bike to Big Mountain
Track workout:
3 rounds of 100m/50m in the grass
Hanesworth Conditioning test:
300m sprint in 25m shuttles.
rest 3.5 min then repeat:
time: 60s, 65s
with a 20lb vest: time 66s
3 rounds overhead ball throws x 4
sprint to ball
Monday: this was killer
5 rounds for time:
-5 muscle ups
-10 OHS 115 lbs
-15 Toes to bar
-20 sit ups
time: 34:51
Bike Emigration
Door to top: 46min
for time w/ 20 lb vest
-500 m row
-20 box jumps
-20 Wall Balls
-20 KB swing 53lbs
-400m run
time 7:39
Ground to overhead max:
185,185,190,195, 200(fail)
1000m bicep row: 7:22
5k run 22:45
1. It's Haynesworth, not Hanesworth. Don't want to make him mad. He's large.
2. You'll get that 200 C&J next time.
3. Did you really do a bicep curl row? Bad idear...
1) Good Point I'll watch my back
2) Hope so
3) It was a great idea. Should have been yours too.
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