Yo, who be crazy on Friday night! Oh Snap.
OKay maybe not. Chilling at the hospital and bored so you peeps get some love from me. No exciting news like last
blog. But hey, at least I'm giving you a picture. This is a pic of some flowers Brittany got for her birthday. I liked them a lot and wanted to play around with some extended exposure stuff so here it is. The shutter was open for 16 seconds on this pic and I had the flash in my hand. Don't remember how many times I flashed it, but it was a few. I also had a little LED light kicking in the background as a little "Hair" light. I think it turned out pretty well, but damn was the flower a pain to select in photoshop. As you can see I dropped the color on the background. I used the magic wand to select the flower in the foreground, and after I was a few minutes into it I realized it wasn't the most efficent way of doing it. But ya know how sometimes you start doing something one way and it just becomes this "thing" you have to finish. Yea, thats kinda how it all played out. "You know how I roll."
In other news, I can't wait for Surgery to be over. I am tired and beat up and I could use some sleep, maybe thats what I should be doing now instead of waiting on my pager to go off. Whatever. So maybe everyone out in colatown can do me a favor tonight and not shoot one another or get in any stupid wrecks. Brotha gotta catch a z.