Sunday, December 31, 2006


Cellular Aging, or senescence, is the phenomenon where cells lose the ability to divide. In response to DNA damage (including shortened telomeres) cells either senesce or self-destruct (apoptosis) if the damage cannot be repaired. Organism senescence is the aging of whole organism. This process has been studied for eternity, yet recent advancements in genetics have truly paved the way for future breakthroughs, probably within our lifetimes.

Why do we Age?
Evolutionists attribute the aging process to a "defect" in evolution. This defect is attributed to the specificity of natural selection to disease and traits which present themselves early in an organism’s lifespan. Because extrinsic factors (accidents, trauma, prey) affect the normal lifespan of animals, the traits that cause aging and early death are expressed in a smaller percentage of the population and therefore have little affect on advancement of the species. An example of this is seen in mammals: when mammals of a similar size have different extrinsic dangers (i.e. mice- highly preyed upon, and bats- few predators) evolution has allowed for the species with fewer extrinsic dangers to remove senescent traits from the genetic pool. Mice have a lifespan of only a few years in the wild- mostly because of predatory factors- yet due to the lack of genetic evolution this lifespan in replicated in a controlled environment without predators and accidents. Bats, which can live 30 years, on the other hand have few predators, thus the aging population of bats represents more of the genetic pool and allows for natural selection to remove aging traits.
This defect in natural selection can also be seen in Humans through the example of Huntington’s disease - an autosomal dominant disease; this is passed to all offspring and usually causes severe dementia, depression and movement disorders in the late 30's and typically death by 45. Natural selection should have removed this genetic disease, however if you consider the average lifespan in recent history is stands to explain why Hunington's is still with us. Until very recently 45 was old by many standards in human society and few lived to such an age after falling victim to or disease, trauma, or other extrinsic factors. Thus Huntington victims often died after procreation, but before representation of their disease, thus preventing the gene pool from being affected and "tricking" natural selection. This is not to say that Huntington’s is in any way related to human aging, but simply and example of how traits that are presented late in life are not easily selected for in evolution, and thus the reason we have not yet evolved to be immortal.

The Biology of Aging:

Many theories currently exist to explain why cells have limited number replications before becoming “post-mitotic” (unable to divide). Interestingly, it appears not all creatures age. For example lobsters, sponges and corals have an unlimited number of cellular divisions. Thus if you didn’t eat him, that lobster might have lived forever. Without going through the process of DNA replication a brief description of the causes of cellular aging is presented:

Theory 1: Sir2 – a silencing gene which plays a role in controlling certain characteristics of the genome. This gene has been shown to decrease the expression of rDNA and telomeres in yeast DNA. rDNA over multiple replications often creates extraneous stands of rDNA which can then bind together and create what is called extrachromosomal rDNA circles (ERCs), which is nothing more than extra DNA without a genetic purpose. However, this DNA tends to stay with the mother cell after replication and competes with the cell for nucleic factors during future replication processes, therefore diminishing the cells ability to replicate. This has not been proven in humans but similar forms of extrachromosomal circular DNA has been identified. Interestingly, up regulation of Sir2 in cells leads to an extended cellular life expectancy and the organism life expectancy of worms and flies (thank god, what would we do without the flies).

Theory 2: Telomeres – a telomere is basically a region of extra DNA found at the end of the DNA strand which does not code for anything. In fact, typically it is a repetitive pattern of nucleic acids and is virtually nonsense DNA. Its purpose is simple: DNA replication is not perfect, it is a complicated process fraught with errors which require constant monitoring and correction by proteins. In addition the process is incapable of replicating the very end of the DNA strand, thus if important information were carried on that part of the strand it would be lost during replication. To prevent this a nonsense strand of meaningless nucleic acids is placed at the end of the DNA strand to prevent loss of essential information. Over time this strand or telomere is lost and the replication process begins losing vital information of the genome. Humans code for a protein called Telomerase – kind of a chemical fountain of youth. This protein, although repressed in most cells of the human body, acts to extend the telomere. In 1998 a professor at UCSF found a technique to activate this protein and in 2006 the Geron company indicated they have two drugs currently under trial to activate telomerase. The concern is that activating this protein may lead to an increased risk of cancers.

Theory 3: Chemical Damage – it has long been known and proven that a 30% caloric deficit extends the lifespan of most mammals including monkeys and mice. This observation is at the root of free radical damage and a complex system in which that big Mac kills you. Under aerobic conditions proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are ultimately converted to glucose which is the body’s main source of usable fuel and the form that energy travels in your blood to tissues for utilization. Most cells contain mitochondria which use glucose along with oxygen to create ATP, which is then utilized to make muscles contract, drive reactions, and so forth. A byproduct of this metabolism of glucose is the production of hydrogen peroxide, peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals – highly reactive species of oxygen that can degrade proteins and DNA. The body has natural defenses to destroy these oxidants – and many believe that the ingestion of antioxidants (which I’m sure you’ve heard about) can slow this process. In any case, it seems undeniable that the higher the metabolic rate the shorter the life expectancy.

Aging is a complicated process that we have learned a great deal about through recent advancements in genetics and evolutionary biology. I imagine our near future will soon explode with ethical and scientific debate regarding the issue. Until then, I think it's just interesting understanding what makes us die and why evolution hasn't been able to thwart death.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I always wished I could buy my bling and glocks at the same place.

Sunday, November 12, 2006



Friday, November 10, 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Smurfs at work

This is a older shot I took when Brittany and I were on our way to Montana. One of the coolest thing about the badlands was this really wicked colorful transition the sand made. apparently the badlands are a fairly new creation and date back to before the last iceage. When the polar ice caps were smaller a great deal of teh central portion of the US was underwater. The erosion created by this shallow hot pool of water slowly recieded as the earth cooled. The badlands are what has been left over. If you wanna know more.....go there, the museum is pretty pimp......and it's air conditioned.

Monday, October 02, 2006

RRG and good times

Went to the Red River Gorge this weekend for DS's to climb) party. It was a long drive by myself but one hell of a good time. I've never climbed at the red before and have only climbed outside a couple of this was an experiance. Stayed at Miguel's pizza, camping in the backyard and ate BBQ and ZA all weekend. For some reason the midget strippers didn't so up so we had to improvise. I never new dancing on your knees was so hard.......
Click on pic to see more

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Running in Mud - this is what happens when people work in front of computers all day.

Before MUDRUN 2006. Mike, Casey, John, Josh


This morning I raced in the annual USMC Mudrun, or as I think they call it now, The Ultimate Challenge. Whatever you call it, it was a ton o' fun. The course was 4.2 miles long and consisted of a different muddy obsticle every tenth of a mile. Everything from rope swings, to muddy swimming holes, to tweleve foot walls. Something like 400 teams of 4 participated in the event and it took people anywhere from 45 minutes to several hours to complete. I had one of the best times of my life and recommend it to anyone and everyone that liked to get dirty as a kid. All it takes is 3 minutes in the mud and your 7 years old again.......regression at it's greatest.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

This is me not blogging

Took this one at the Badlands in western South Dakota. I think the desert really lends itself to black and white photography and I liked the way the exposure with the infrared filter completly looses the white letters in teh stop sign. If I were a smarter man I would have taken a color shot of the same image and superimposed the color sign over this one and...... "Blam" = pimp. Whatever, at least I'm posting a pic right? Although I'm sure no one will even notice it's been so poorly updated. I bet Boojum boy doesn't even has me on a monmthy RSS update....I mean that would get in the way of clown porn......
In any case, you should all checl out this band I peeped on Pandora, the music genome project is the bestest, internet radio. The bands name is The Appleseed Cast. Kinda inde, chill, emo type shizzle. Peep it. Also, if you haven't yet you need to put your ear muffs to some DANGERDOOM, rap at it's greatest.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I don't post often enough

Soo Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I'm sure you were all boiling with anticipation. I've been in Charleston staying with my dad for the last couple of weeks. I had been plans to shoot a lot of photography while I was down there, but so far things have just not turned out that way. At fist I forgot my battery charger, so the camera wasn't working so hott. Lucky my wonderful wide mailed it to me. Still haven't had much time to shoot though. Things are pretty busy and the compute to Summerville every day is more of a trek than I anticipated. Don't think I will ever be much of a comuter. I like living near where I work.
Here is a shot brittany took in Paris. I pimped it a out a little in photoshop, but it was really pretty good before i got my hands on it. Maybe it was the luck of the location, or maybe she's got a little artist in her she didn't know about. Either way, ....girl's gots skillz.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


So this is most def one of the most strangest pics I have ever done. Obviously a little abstract. I was playing around with the Tamron 90 macro in the front yard and got a little freaky with photoshop. I you don't like this sort of thing I sure you think this pic sucks. And I guess even if you do like more abstract stuff, you may still think it sucks. Either way, let me know what you think so I'll know if I should ever waste my time like this again.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Friday, March 03, 2006

Quick Pic

NO time to Talky. This is a shot from the statehouse last weekend. Froze my hands off taking it!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Got to screw around some today and shoot some pics....finaly. Chris and I set up the pimp studio at his house today and shot some interesting stuff with a bunch of dry ice. We found that ice is.....ya know....a good tool. I am starting family practice now, and hopefully will have a chance to shoot some more. Plus the weather should be changing soon and the green will hopefully come out. Green=IR. This shot is an example of what happens when you drop dry ice into water.
Keep up, the speed of this blog should accelerate in the next few weeks.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Been too long

Sorry for the slackness the last week or so. Things have been super nuts for me recently. Big exams today and tomorrow. More soon.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday Night Bla

Yo, who be crazy on Friday night! Oh Snap.
OKay maybe not. Chilling at the hospital and bored so you peeps get some love from me. No exciting news like last blog. But hey, at least I'm giving you a picture. This is a pic of some flowers Brittany got for her birthday. I liked them a lot and wanted to play around with some extended exposure stuff so here it is. The shutter was open for 16 seconds on this pic and I had the flash in my hand. Don't remember how many times I flashed it, but it was a few. I also had a little LED light kicking in the background as a little "Hair" light. I think it turned out pretty well, but damn was the flower a pain to select in photoshop. As you can see I dropped the color on the background. I used the magic wand to select the flower in the foreground, and after I was a few minutes into it I realized it wasn't the most efficent way of doing it. But ya know how sometimes you start doing something one way and it just becomes this "thing" you have to finish. Yea, thats kinda how it all played out. "You know how I roll."
In other news, I can't wait for Surgery to be over. I am tired and beat up and I could use some sleep, maybe thats what I should be doing now instead of waiting on my pager to go off. Whatever. So maybe everyone out in colatown can do me a favor tonight and not shoot one another or get in any stupid wrecks. Brotha gotta catch a z.

Monday, February 06, 2006


SO I just got some good news. I am going to Big Sky, Montana in July for an away rotation. For those of you that don't know where Montana is, it's here (Don't worry I had to look it up too). I will be an hour north of Yellowstone. I am super stoked! Maybe some of you can visit me so I have someone to enjoy it with. I don't think Brittany is going to be able to go since she is taking public health classes. Anyway just wanted to spread some excitement.

I took this pic a few days ago in my office. I was pumped about it when I peeped it on the camera then I hooked up to the computer and realized I had been shooting at iso 1600 (retard). So I spent about an hour shooting super grainy pics, for your viewing pleaseure of course.

While your at it check out the line-up and bonnaroo this year. HOly crapolla I've gotta go to this.

Found this too!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New day, old shot.

This is a shot I took in North Carolina in December. Britt, Ed and I were there snowboarding and took the morning off so I could take some pics. Thanks for hanging out while I froze my &%^ off to take this one.

I have to turn in my schedule for next year pretty soon. That means I need to have some idea what I want to do with my life so I can schedule the right courses. Kinda scary. I guess it's time to grow up and start thinking about a job again. I have been a full time student for so long I forgot what it's like to get a paycheck. Anyway, once I can muster up a decision with my career, I will be looking forward to next year.....lots more free time than now.

Speaking of free time, I just recently took up another hobbie.......right, like I need another. Britt and I started climbing at Stronghold. So far I'm having a lot of fun. My arms are now in a constant state of pain, but at least it's a little different than picking up a dumbell and repeating the same movement for an hour.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Saturday#1 Shot this pic near a run-down factory on the way to sumter. Looks like someone lost track of an an art project. Obviously a lot of post-processing here. Too much?

Saturday#2 In other news, I was playing around in the torrent world the other day and came accross some pretty wicked stuff. Don't know anything about this person/group "Tryad", but the music is hot and different. Peep it:

Sunday#1 Holy crap 3 posts in 2 days......not to fear I am only editing the first post as to not confuse you. Anyway, saw a pretty neat documentary last night. It was a movie called Coachella, about this music festival in Cali called Coachella. Bands included were Radiohead, Chemical Brothers Flamming lips, Zero 7, and many more. This documentary is only playing in 7 cities right now, and Columbia happens to be one of them. Pretty crazy that we got something like this, but I'm glad I got to see it. Check it out if you can.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Iron and Light

I shot this one awhile back on the USC horseshoe. I really want to get out and shoot some night shots, but surgery call isn't playing nice. Hope everyone is well, I'll talk more later. Blaaaaa.

Matt what do I do with the RSS feed icon at the bottom of the Smugmug page? Can I somehow put that on blogger?

Monday, January 16, 2006

That nutty New Year

Shot this one at Riverfront park in Columbia South Carolina.
I think I need to move somewhere else if no other reason other than shooting in Columbia is difficult. Seems like there is nothing around here. Maybe I just need to look harder.

Check out my new Photo Gallery at