Thursday, October 06, 2011

Just Surviving

Monday: Lift
Power Clean 3x5 @185
Squat Clean and Press 2x 135, 2x145, 2x155, 2x165, 2x175, 2x185(f)
Deadlift 2x5@275, 2x4@295, 2x3@315, 2x2@335, 2x1@355
5 rounds for time:
-Air Dyne 50cal
-Sled Pushes 100ftx2 @ 90lbs
--Time 22:22

Run: 10k @ 8:30/mile

Wednesday: Lift
Bench Press: 2x5@185, 2x4@195, 2x3@205, 2x1@215
Close Grip Press: 3x6 at 135
Then: 4 rounds for time
-10x 18"step ups with 2x50lb dumbells
-10x Scotty Bobs with 25lb dumbells
-10x pull ups
-10x dips
-10x leg raises
-10x clapping push ups
-10x press with 2x25lb dumb bells

Thursday: Mtn Bike 15ish miles?

Friday: Run 10K with 5x .4 mile intervals at 6:15-6:30/mile
  overal 8:26/mile

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Run 6.76 miles at 7:52/mile with 2x 1.5 mile intervals at 6:30
Then: AMRAP 30 min: 4 rounds + Sled&Tire
Sled Push 100ft at 130
Tire flip 100ft
Legs free rope climb
Box jump 24,30,36 x 3
Chain pull (all the chains attached to a rope)
100m Overhaed carry with 2x35lb dumbell

Power Clean 3x5 @ 185
Agility rope - hands and feet- lots of this
KB Snatch @ 53
Pull ups
Row 500m

Tuesday: Run 6 miles at 8:17/mile

10 rounds for time
1 mini Leg Blaster
5 Scotty Bobs with 25lb DB
30 Cal Airdyne