Sunday, September 25, 2011

Insomniac 5K

What I've done since becoming a father........

It's been a long 3 weeks. I feel like I'm just starting to recover from the emotional turmoil associated with having your wife almost die in front of you, while simultaneously almost instantly having another human being depend on you so much it's life and death. Seriously, if we forgot to take care of her.... no more Delilah. This isn't some turtles navigating to the sea shit. It's real and I get the impression it's going to be this way for a while.
In any case, it's been a confusing and new 3 weeks. Luckily, I have the kind of job that lends itself to shiftwork, so when the personal life gets real, I can make more time for it. It's been nice having family in town too. Just the basic things around the house take so much longer when you've got a baby strapped to your neck.

Delilah is a pretty awesome baby, as far as babies go. She is really good at shitting, eating, and sleeping. I figure shes got this gig dialed in.

I rant eh Dirty Dash last weekend. It was a lot of fun. Lots of mud and lots of ridiculousness. I was cleaning mud out of my ears for 5 days, and my vision is almost back to normal after getting mud under my contacts. Here are some pictures from the dash.

Fri 16th:
3 rounds for time:
-Row 100cal
-Air Dyne 100cal
----Time ~32min

Sat 17th: Dirty Dash

Sun 18th: Run 5.57 miles at 8:10/mile

Mon 19th: Leg-hater
5 rounds for time:
-2 mini leg blasters
-Push sled 100ft w/ 90lbs
-Pull sled 100ft w/90lbs
-rest 30sec

Tue 20th: Run 5K time trial at 6:50 pace

Wed 21st:Lift
Bench 2x5,2x4,2x3,2x2,2x1 (185-225lbs)
10-1 ladder
-100lb barbell stepup 18"
-25lb scotty bob
-35lb Turkish getups
-Strict Pull ups
-100lb strict press
----Time 47:52

Th 22nd: Run 10K at 8:20

Fri 23rd: Run 5K time trial at 6:43

Sat 24th: Lift
5x3 press at 135lbs
5x5-2 Front Squat at 135-185 lbs
7 rounds for time:
-7 Push Presses at 135
-70 sec row
-70 sec rest

Sun 25th: Run 10K at 8:40

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

funny that one of these:

Actually turns into one of these:

Turns out these little poopers are kind of a challenge.

My days now go something like this.
 1:00am: clean poop off everything near my daughters butt.
 1:15am: Try to hand off child to wife to feed, attempt to fall asleep but get ringed into getting juice for mom sauce
 1:20am: Fall back asleep
 1:21am: wake back up to sound of child belching in bed next to me
 1:45am: fall back asleep finally

 3:00am: Wake up to sound of child crying, smacking lips, and exploding her diaper.
 3:01am: Clean up poop, take off diaper and only to find old faithful erupting all over the changing table.
 3:05am: Pass the babe to the boob.
 3:07am: Wake up to the sound of belching and farting
 3:08am: get more juice for mom sauce
 3:30am: Change diaper again because the gastro-colic reflex is a bitch
 3:35am: fall back asleep

 repeat at 2 hour intervals AMRAP in 24 hours.

 So I've been running a bit more. It's easier to do than 2 hour gym sessions, and I just don't have the sleep to rest after the weights. The last week has seen an increase in miles with a slow 5K time trial that sorta bummed me out.

 Thursday: 5.41 miles at 8:33/mile

 Friday: 6.35 miles at 8:47/mile

 Saturday: Lift Sunday: Time Trial 5K 7:06/mile

        3x5 press (115),
        1-3-5 press-PP-Jerk at 95,115,135
     then 5 rounds for time: time 28:34
                 30 cal air dyne
                 10 body weight dead lifts
                 30 cal row
                 10 tire flips

 Tuesday: 1-20 53lb KB swing breathing ladder  -16:15

 Wednesday: 6.38 miles at 8:41/mile