I spent every waking moment this week (that I wasn't at work) building a closet off my bedroom. The house was sold with the closet bare. No rods, no shelves, nada. So I got some tools, wood, stain, and got after it. It too a while and there are a few things I didn't get quite perfect, but overall I'm happy with the look. Put double bars on the right and a singe high nar in the back left corner. Smaller shelves on the bottom left for shoes. The wood is stained walnut and is pretty dark which I think works well against the white bars and the white walls.
The only think I might have done differently is put in cedar paneling for the anti-moth effect and the bomb smell.
Sunday: Dynamic Day
1) Back Squat with Medium Bands + 185lbs - 10x2
2) Bench Press with medium Bands + 122.5lbs - 9x3
3) Deadlift with Medium Bands + 205lbs - 6x2
4) Reverse Hyper with 70lbs - 5x5
5) Pullups 5x5
1) Bike Trainer 30min
2) 8 rounds
- Mini leg blaster
-10 pushups
-15 situps
3) 200 pull ups - dispersed throughout the day
Run: 25 minutes
Power Clean: 5x3 190lbs
Press: 5x5 with purple bands
KB Press: 5x5 with 53 lb KBs
Wednesday: Max Lift Day
Squat 1RM: 315 (PR!!!)
Bench 1RM: 235 (255 fail x2)
- should have gone for 250 here
Close Grip Bench 3x10 at 135lbs
Upright Row: 3x8 at 135lbs
Jones Crawl: 3 rounds
-10x 185lb Deadlift
-25 box jumps at 24"
Run 35 min
Friday: Oly Day
10x2 Squat CLean and Jerk at 155lbs
3 rounds: 1-3-5 (Press/PP/Jerk) at 135lbs
WOD: 1 min on, 1 min rest
-Squat - 60
-Situp - 39
-Box Jump 18" - 47
-Burpee - 20
-Mountain Climber - 74
-Wall Ball - 31
-Row - 31
-Total 302
Run 35 minutes