What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for all the turkeys I didn't eat over thanksgiving. And all the salmons and pigs I did eat.
10,000lbs ground to overhead + 1000m row
Time: 15:10
Run 5 miles
Linear Progression (3)
Back Squat 3x5 @ 220
Bench 3x5 @ 177.5
Dead Lift 1x5 @ 285
skill: 3x5 Knee Jumps 35lbs
bike trainer- easy for 30 min
then 3 rounds:
Linear Progression (4)
Back Squat 3x5 @ 225
Press 3x5 102.5
Clean 3x5 147.5
Skill: 3x5 FS 135lbs
Skill: 5x5 butterfly pullups
AMRAP 20 minutes
10 KB swings 53 lbs
10 Pullups
10 medicine ball slams
# 13
Linear Progression (5)
Back Squat 3x5 @ 230
Bench 3x5 @ 189
Dead Lift 1x5 @ 295
Skill: Snatch Balance: bar 3x5
Snatch: Max - 135,145(F), 145(F), 140(PR)
5 rounds for time:
500 m row
7x 135 lb thruster
time: 16:00
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010

A few notes about this week:
-Brittany planned a spectacular birthday for me Friday night. Everyone came over for a party at our house. And everyone was wearing costumes. I found out the hard way when a particular friend came over in 80s ski gear with sun lotion on his nose. Brittany had bought me a sweet costume which I put on. I found out later that we were going to The Ghostland Observatory concert. Best of all, a great friend all the way from NYC came out to hang for the weekend. Superstar! Here's a picture..... amazing.
-Double Unders 82
-KB swing 53lb 94
-Box Jumps 69
Max Tire Flips in 5 min = 85
Linear Progression 1:
Back squat 3x5 at 210 (69%1RM)
Bench Press 3x5 at 175 (77% 1RM)
Dead lift 1x5 at 275 (73%1RM)
Skill: FS 3x5 at 135lbs
Run 5K moderate pace
AMRAP in 20 min
- 5xDL 110% BW (190)
- 10xburpees
- 15xbox jumps 24"
-- rounds 7 1/3
Linear Progression 2:
-BS 3x5 215lbs
-Press 3x5 100lbs
-Power Clean 3x5 145lbs
-OHS 3x5 75,85,95
-5xmax butterfly pull ups 5,6,5,8,6
Monday, November 15, 2010

I read somewhere that it takes something like 1,000 hours of training per year to train a avalanche dog. That blows my mind, that is a lot of f-ing training. I can barely spend 15 min with my dog on sit.
Sunday: 4 mile trail run
work up to 1RM BS: 305
work up to 1RM Bench: 225 (stopped early)
20 reps BS at 70% 215 lbs
20 reps Bench at 70% 160lbs (fail at 15) for time:
-GHD wall bals
-70 lb KB swing
-20m Bear crawl
---time 16:56
Bike 1.5 hour
1) 2-4-6-8-10-12-14
- Turkish Get Ups @ 45lbs
- Pistols
- Clap Push Ups
----- Time: 19:23
2) Bike 1 hour
3) Front Squat 5x3 @ 185 lbs
4) Strict Pull Ups 5x5 @ 30 lbs
5) Weighted Dip
Thats right, every once in a while...
Snatch: work up to heavy
-Power: 140
-Squat: 115
Clean: work up to heavy
-Squat: 185, 205 Fail x 2
---then 5x3 Squat Clean at 135
then: Birfday WOD
31 rounds of "Flying Cindy"
-5 Burpee Pull ups
-10 clapping push ups
-15 Jump Squats
---time 1:07:26 (i hurt)
1) Bench Press 3x5 165,175,185
2) Shoulder Press 3x5 115
3) P/PP/PJ 3x 115,115,125
4) Nicole: 20min AMRAP
- Max pullups
- 400m run
---- 7 rounds 101 pullups
Friday, November 12, 2010

The Golden Monkey has been resurrected!
Immediately found the Monkey on tap at The Mission across the street from the hospital I interviewed at yesterday. 8 hour interview, no break, 5 pieces of sushi during lunch interview. Man, I needed that monkey. But I probably didn't need two. Those of you that are Monkey knowledgeable know what I'm talking about. Two is never a good plan on a empty stomach. Next we went back to Bin 26 Inoteca- dope grub.
Boston is different, in every way. Good news from the interview, this is going to be tough.
Wednesday: 5K run in SLC at 6am - cold
Thursday: 6K run in Boston at 7am - not as cold
Friday: 10 rounds for time: Hotel especial:
- mini leg blaster
- 5 burpees
- 10 clapping push ups
- 10 sit ups
----Time: 20:36
Monday, November 08, 2010
Pre Harvard
1) 5 sets 1-3-5 P-PP-J
2) 20 Squats @165lbs
3) Sled Pushes 5x30m
4) Run 5 miles
1) 10 rounds for time:
- 3 Deadlifts at 75% 1RM (281lbs)
- 6 ring dips
- 9 knees to elbows
- time: 11:52
2) Bench Press 5x3 at 185lbs
3) Snatch balance work with PVC
4) bike 1 hour while studying
1) 3x3 push presses: 135/155/175(f)/165
2) 5 rounds for time
- 1 press (strict) 115
- 1 pullup (strict)
- 1 press (strict) 115
- 3 pull ups (strict)
- 1 press (strict) 115
- 5 pull ups (strict)
3) 135 squat clean 1 rep q 30s x 10 min
4) 20 rep squat 165lbs
5) Row intervals 100m x 10
6) Spin for 1 hour
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Week o' November
Week 2 of the 20 rep squat challenge:
How you do it:
-find your 5 rep max back squat (mine=225)
-subtract 80 lbs from that number (145)
-Each week you perform 20 squats 2 days/week
-week 1: 145lbs
-week 2: 155lbs
-week 8: 225lbs
Run 30min
1) Back Squat 20reps of 155lbs
2) Heavy Thrusters 5x3 at 155lbs
3) Bench Press 5x3 at 185lbs
4) WOD: 5 rounds for time:
- 8 tire flips
- 10 GHD wallballs 8lbs
- 100m run
- time: 12:05
1) Shoulder Press 3x5reps at 105 lbs
2) 1xPress/3xPP/5xJerk @ 105/115/125lbs
3) Power Snatch 95lbs 3x6
4) Snatch Balance work
5) 4 rounds for time
- Team 100m 201lb sled push
- 20 pull ups
- 30 push ups
- 40 sit ups
- 50 Squats
time: 29:56
1) Front Squat: 5x3 185lbs
2) for time:
- 200m 106lb sled push
- 21-15-9
- Hang Squat Clean 135 lbs
- Ring Dips
- 200m 106lb sled push
time: 18:06
3) Run 15 min with Kuro
- Bike Emigration - time up: 48:00
- AMRAP 15 min with 20lb weight vest
- 30 jumping lunches
- 5 clapping pushups
- 10 KB push presses 53kb
- rounds 6 2/3
1) Bench Press 5x3 185lbs
2) Power Snatch 95lbs 3x6 with 20 sec hold at top
3) Decline Press 4x2 205lbs
4) 20 rep squat 155lb
5) 10 rounds for time
- 200m run
- 10 pushups
- 5 ball slams
- 10 kb swings
How you do it:
-find your 5 rep max back squat (mine=225)
-subtract 80 lbs from that number (145)
-Each week you perform 20 squats 2 days/week
-week 1: 145lbs
-week 2: 155lbs
-week 8: 225lbs
Run 30min
1) Back Squat 20reps of 155lbs
2) Heavy Thrusters 5x3 at 155lbs
3) Bench Press 5x3 at 185lbs
4) WOD: 5 rounds for time:
- 8 tire flips
- 10 GHD wallballs 8lbs
- 100m run
- time: 12:05
1) Shoulder Press 3x5reps at 105 lbs
2) 1xPress/3xPP/5xJerk @ 105/115/125lbs
3) Power Snatch 95lbs 3x6
4) Snatch Balance work
5) 4 rounds for time
- Team 100m 201lb sled push
- 20 pull ups
- 30 push ups
- 40 sit ups
- 50 Squats
time: 29:56
1) Front Squat: 5x3 185lbs
2) for time:
- 200m 106lb sled push
- 21-15-9
- Hang Squat Clean 135 lbs
- Ring Dips
- 200m 106lb sled push
time: 18:06
3) Run 15 min with Kuro
- Bike Emigration - time up: 48:00
- AMRAP 15 min with 20lb weight vest
- 30 jumping lunches
- 5 clapping pushups
- 10 KB push presses 53kb
- rounds 6 2/3
1) Bench Press 5x3 185lbs
2) Power Snatch 95lbs 3x6 with 20 sec hold at top
3) Decline Press 4x2 205lbs
4) 20 rep squat 155lb
5) 10 rounds for time
- 200m run
- 10 pushups
- 5 ball slams
- 10 kb swings
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