Saturday, September 23, 2006

Running in Mud - this is what happens when people work in front of computers all day.

Before MUDRUN 2006. Mike, Casey, John, Josh


This morning I raced in the annual USMC Mudrun, or as I think they call it now, The Ultimate Challenge. Whatever you call it, it was a ton o' fun. The course was 4.2 miles long and consisted of a different muddy obsticle every tenth of a mile. Everything from rope swings, to muddy swimming holes, to tweleve foot walls. Something like 400 teams of 4 participated in the event and it took people anywhere from 45 minutes to several hours to complete. I had one of the best times of my life and recommend it to anyone and everyone that liked to get dirty as a kid. All it takes is 3 minutes in the mud and your 7 years old again.......regression at it's greatest.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

This is me not blogging

Took this one at the Badlands in western South Dakota. I think the desert really lends itself to black and white photography and I liked the way the exposure with the infrared filter completly looses the white letters in teh stop sign. If I were a smarter man I would have taken a color shot of the same image and superimposed the color sign over this one and...... "Blam" = pimp. Whatever, at least I'm posting a pic right? Although I'm sure no one will even notice it's been so poorly updated. I bet Boojum boy doesn't even has me on a monmthy RSS update....I mean that would get in the way of clown porn......
In any case, you should all checl out this band I peeped on Pandora, the music genome project is the bestest, internet radio. The bands name is The Appleseed Cast. Kinda inde, chill, emo type shizzle. Peep it. Also, if you haven't yet you need to put your ear muffs to some DANGERDOOM, rap at it's greatest.